Friday 10 October 2014

Taking it Slowly

With the Normans arriving tomorrow for the twinning visit,  it was "Operation Clean-up" in and around the house while Christian went over to the Mairie. Coffee at the bar followed. In the evening there was a vernissage, the first one for absolutely ages and then we went on to Linde's for drinks and tapas to meet her American friend Pickles. Yes, you've read it correctly. Christian ducked out early to go home and get a good sleep to be ready for our three visitors .
24° Sun and cloud

Same ol' Thursday routine - language exchange and lunch at the restaurant.
26° Sunshine and cloud
The ecotax that the Governement was trying to introduce was abandonned in the face of opposition from transport companies. 850m€ is being paid to the companies that installed and were going to run the scheme by way of compensation.

Today it was Christian's turn to go to a funeral; that of the mayor of Le Boulou but before that Jean-Jacques and Michel joined us for a curry lunch.
26° Sun and cloud

Christian got off to a slow start and decided that he wanted to have lunch at the bar. No change there, then! While had a siesta, Maggie and I went to the funeral of the Gereral Secretary of the Maire's mother-in-law, had a reviving coffee (it was a mass so it took longer and we need one) and did a supermarket shop. See, life in the South of France can be as mundane as the next place.
24° Cool in the morning, followed by sun and then cloud

Henri took me  to collect Christian and because of a lack of co-ordination, we had a bit of a wait. Christian finally arrived home with his file, a new prescription, letters for his GP and cardiologist and a box that will remotely follow how his new apparatus is functioning. Amazing really but he doesn't look to be overjoyed, does he?!
21° Cloudy later

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