Tuesday 31 May 2016

What happened to Spring?

Céret in the mornig where I met up with Hortense to go to the lake for lunch. Bridget, who came on her moped, was already there. Pity it wasn't warm enough to eat outside but the view , as ever was pleasant, the company stimulating and the selection of tapas tasty.
20°, Sun, cloud, light showers. Cool.

Worked on the computer, went for coffee at the café where I was joined by Martine , more computer (association website) and this evening a meeting that lasted from 8h30 - 11h! What was so interesting? Sustainable energy and the Mairie's project to put solar panels on the roof of the village hall and insulate the outside of the building with cork which is abundant here. Very unfrench is the opening of subscriptions to buy a share for 100€. Individuals, associations, firms are all welcome to put their hands in their pockets.
21° Sun in the morning, rain from noon onward, feeling damp and cool

Sunday 29 May 2016

Ever Present

Today is the anniversary of Christian's death so he was even more present in my thoughts than usual. I'd tried to stay awake until the actual time that he died but couldn't. Believe it or not, there was a huge clap of thunder that woke me up at the exact moment. I kid you not. Comforting to think that he's still able to send a little reminder now and then!!!
Started the day with a massage at Muriel's and then my usual coffee withe the two Nicole's. Jean and Françoise came and joined us for an apéritif as did Michèle and Henri.
The main event though was a trip to our twin town over the border to drink champagne (the real stuff, Tattinger, no less, that the Maire had given Christian for his 70th) and eat foie gras with Ann, Terry and Jean-Jacques. Installed ourselves at a picnic bench above the village with lovely views and the little sculpture of the shepherd who's sadly lost (stolen) his beloved mermaid.
The rain held off until we'd almost finished but by the time we made it down to Conxita's for lunch, it was pourring down. She was her usual jolly, affectionate self and there were even kisses from her more reserved husband. Lunch was simple but fun and of course sprinkled liberally with stories of our dearly departed Christian.
I'd had phone calls and emails, gifts from Ann and Nicole V and been surrounded by people who cared for Christian and continue to care for me helping me  to pass this first anniversary. Without them, it would have been a very different affair.
22°  Sun, cloud, spots of rain, heavy rain. En bref, un vrai temps normand!

Took the bus to the market and met Françoise for coffee and loads of otried to stay awake until the time that he died but ther people. Had an apéritif with Henri and Michèle who invited me back for an impromptu lunch. took the bus back and spent the evening watching the telly.
Cloudy start, some sun and rain in the evening, thunderstorm overnight

Friday 27 May 2016

Mission Accomplished!

Coffee first and then over the border with JJ and his son who is here for a few days. This was a cava buying trip with lunch afterwards. Both missions were successful. We were warmly welcomed at the cave (me with kisses from both of the assisstants who were unusually there together) but turned down the offer of a tasting. Well, both JJ and myself know it well!
With 20 minutes in hand before our reservtion at the restaurant, we stopped off in Espolla for a wee walk and photo stop. You'll recognise the view as last Sunday's photo with Nicole  was taken here too.
Lunch overlooking the pool (JJ's treat) at "La Plaça was, as usual excellent. http://spahotelgarriguella.com/en/
Home in time to bump into my neighbour Gérard who gave me a couple of ceps for an omelette and Nicole P who was just back from a day trip to Carcassonne with the association. Needless to say, we headed for the bar for a report of the day over a glass of rosé.
24° Warm and sunny

Thursday 26 May 2016

In the Sticks

Thursday and that means .... come on, by now you regular readers and I'm assured there are a few,  should have the response on the tip of the tongue .... but if you're new to "Chitchat" I'll tell you that Thursday is language exchange day. Nothing wildly exciting to report; why do you think I've made a meal of the introduction! Afterwards some of us went as usual to the café for a drink and the diehards stayed on for a bite to eat. Home for 3pm, managing a short rest before getting myself out again for 5pm to go with Yasmin for drinks at Jim and Mags, a really nice Scottish couple who live outside the village surrounded by nature. Thought a photo of their neighbours would be more interesting than one of the same old faces drinking wine and munching on nibbles!
22°, Cloud, drizzle with sun later

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Talk, Tapas and Tea

Hairdressers. Computer. Tea with Michel. 21°, cloudy

Sunshine and cloud (19°). Coffee at the bar. Admin stuff, JJ, his son, Julien for a drinks and tapas evening on the patio punctuated by a flying visit from Michel.

Up with the lark to get some admin bits and pieces done before meetingYasmin to go for a walk around the lake. What a long time since I've been. The sun was shining and she was enchanted. Before going for a coffee I helped her organise  one or two admin bits and pieces. Afterwards, sitting on the terrace, with some chocolate and Iranian nougat, we just talked and talked. We then went back to hers for an impromptu lunch, more chat and more chocolate. Yasmin has such a sweet tooth, that I know she's going to help me wander from the straight and narrow! Finally made it home for 5pm and a quiet night in.
21° Sun and a light wind

Sunday 22 May 2016

Food for the Body, Food for the Soul

22.5.16: Dumb Waiter!
Sunday started as usual with coffee. Anne, Nicole S, Tony, Jennifer, Rosie and Jo. No Nicole P who is in Paris and no Yasmin who was breaking her back in the garden. It's interesting how Sunday is becoming a meeting point for different groupings. The churchgoers were meeting at the bar long before Christian and I started going but the people from the music association are new comers. So, as well as the weekday regulars there are three different groups who sometimes stay seperate and who sometimes merge.
Feeling like a change, Anne, Nicole and I decided to go over the border for a simple lunch. It didn't come more simple than the Café Fraternal in Espolla. Many villages in Catalunya have a bar/restaurant/social centre built under the Republican ideal in the 1920's and 30's. Décor was basic (communal tables with paper tablecloths) as was the food but it was wholesome and cheap. One big gripe though, was the guy who was front of house who didn't say a word to us. I only understood which was our table when he took three knives and put them down at the end of the table where 5 young South Americans were eating.. There was only one chair so in the event of him not doing anything, I took 2 others from another table. Our order was taken by an older man (Dad?) who spoke some French and the food (salad, charcouterie, paella cooked in squid ink) was served by some pleasanter young women. The other guy totally ignored us and didn't seem to speak to anyone else either so our charitable sides concluded that maybe he was dumb and not just surly. I imagine that there's a more p.c. expression but I can't for the life of me think what it is. Ah well, you can't charm 'em all.
Had a quick walk around and managed to get back with five minutes to spare before JJ picked me up to go to a concert (flute and piano) in a church in a nearby village. Beautiful music to transport you to whereever your imagination might take you.
Home for a sandwich and bed by 10h30pm
23°, sun, rain and thunder in the early evening

21.5.16: Cherry Ripe, Cherry Ripe!
Took the bus to the market where the Cherry Festival was starting to gear up. Cherries in every possible form, edible and otherwise were everywhere. Met Hortense for a standup chat and then Yasmin for a sit down chat over coffeee though it was hard work at times to be heard over the decibels being pumped out by an endless succession of bandas. Nicole V joined us for a while and seemingly had gotten over her miff from Thursday night. Arrived home to find messages from both Michel and Jacques offering a lift to the market but this early bird had been up and out for the 9h30 bus.
Bumped into Linde in the afternoon and she came back for tea and catch up after her trip to Austria.
Spent a quiet evening in.
26° Sun with strong winds later.

20.5.16: Thai Cuisine
Went to bed early last night and had a good sleep. Jany called in to say "hello" and stayed chatting until it was time for her GP appointment so I took my coffee late. The village was amazingly quiet. Had a light lunch at home on the patio and then caught up with the blog and some association admin stuff. Walked over to Dani and Brian's in the evening for a delicious Thai meal. They go every year and the cookery course that they did this year was money well spent, says I. Holiday photos followed but they had just enough to be interesting and not too many to be boring. The photo is of us having a not-very-Thai apéritif. Pity that you can't see the garden that was full of glorious colour from the roses that are in full bloom.
Turned down the offer of a lift home so was able to enjoy a still night, the scent of orange blossom and a starry sky complete with a full  moon.
28°, Sunny

Thursday 19 May 2016

Traditions, Tax, Twists and Turns

19.5.16: Give me Strength!
Language exchange came around like clockwork and I'm just about running out of patience with James who spouts. Two of other avoid- if - I -can members were there too though fortunately not in my group. They did however come to the bar. As luck would have it, they ended up with the other less interesting people at the far end of the table. Went to the restaurant for lunch  with Ann and Terry and still feeling tired went to bed (yes, a rare occurance for me) and slept.
Once awake, I stayed there reading a Peter Turnbull novel; now there's a name from the past. I used to work with him before he became a full time writer. Though not in the Denise Mina or such like chategory, I was spurred on to read the book having listened to a serialisation of one of his other crime novels on Radio 4 Extra. Oops, I digress .... I stayed in bed until it was time for the Café des Copines to meet.
Despite my fear that it would take ages to decide where to go for a drink, we all readily agreed to follow Nicole V's suggestion. Perhaps, it was because the member who can be difficult wasn't there. Should have known that it was all too easy! When we arrived, the terrace wasn't open and the bar was dingy and smelling of smoke. I thought we were all agreed that it wasn't what we wanted so we came back to the village which we soon learnt didn't please Nicole as we hadn't taken a vote. I was really surprised that she actually stuck with us especially as she doesn't like one of the other members who'd told her off for taking photos of people without asking their permission. Luckily the other person concerned has hearing problems so her very pointed comments about taking a photo of the group went without response. This one was taken by me. If you can make out the faces, can you guess which two are the protagonists? Once again I'm left wondering if it's worth the effort. Just remind me not to have any bright ideas.
22° Sunny

18.5.16: "T" Day!
Out of bed for 7am as I needed to put the finishing touches to my tax return before JJ came at 8.30am to check it over.
After the first ouch of putting my foot on the floor, it felt better than it did yesterday. Continuing in sensible mode, rather than think that last night's ice had been enough, I went to the chemist's for an ankle tubigrip and some cream. I was amazed that the chemist told me that I needn't pay for the tubigrip (17€) as I should ask the GP for a prescription the next time that I see her as some or all (if my insurance makes up the difference) could be reinboursed! Now, that is service. Maggie came in as I was doing the Cinderella bit with getting the tubigrip on and took me off for a coffee in the other bar on the main road. I think I've already told you that it's under new management, so with much nicer people behing the counter, it's great to have an alternative.
Soon afterwards I caught the bus into town to deliver my tax return as today's the deadline. Who should I bump into on entering but the woman responsible for the village. She was all smiles; took the envelope frome and gave the papers a cursory glance. I await her phone call! Didn't have to wait an hour for the bus back as I bumped into Chantal from the village who gave me a lift home.
In the afternoon, Muriel, who lives just around the corner gave me a chair massage which was excellent and just what I needed. She has said I'm welcome to go back anytime; think I'll take up her offer the day before Christian's anniversary  or even the morning itself before my usual coffee. 
Early to bed as once again overcome by tiredness.
19° Sun, cloud and rain after lunch, continuing through the night.

17.5.16: Footloose and Fancy Free?
Coffee with Nicole P at the bar where her neighbour Odile who happened to pass by joined us. Yet another woman on her own though Nicole doesn't think that the "Café des Copines" would be her thing. Went on the same walk as yesterday so I had hoped I could keep it up. Forlorn hope that turned out to be. I slipped on the last but one stair; bashed my arm bringing a nice big bruise and twisted my foot bringing an even better rainbow coloured one. After the initial shock, I managed to get up and hobble to Spanish and home again. Had to go back out again to show Marie-Andrée Christian's room for the exhibition that she's going to do. We were in the process of finishing a cuppa at the bar when "les anglaises" appeared for our regular apérobio. This time Nicolas set us a challenge to identify the main ingredients in what we were eating. Two of us scored 6.5/7 and two 6/7 so we felt pretty pleased with ourselves. With getting stuck into the quiz, we'd already started the tapas so the photo looks a bit sad. Having said that, they weren't his most inspired apart from the poached egg on a grilled slice of augergine topped with a red wine sauce and shavings of cheese. The brown looking cake is calves' liver and was a bit boring. Felt really tired (result of the fall?) so left once the blokes turned up. Walking had not been one of the wisest things to do  ... result .... a badly swollen foot which I more sensibly packed with ice. That certainly helped.
20° Sun clouding over

16.5.16: A bit of folklore
Today's a public holiday (Whit Monday). Had a coffee at the bar as usual and then went for a walk. Came home for a solitary lunch on the patio but the birds were singing and the jsmine was still perfuming the air so there's no need to feel sorry for me.
Did my Spanish homework at not - quite - the - last - minute  ready for tomorrow afternoon and put out the plants that had wintered inside as the "Saints Glaces " were passed.
This article from the Guardian explains better than I could what I'm refering to. http://www.theguardian.com/news/2013/may/10/weatherwatch-cold-may-ice-saints
22° Sun, cloudy later

Sunday 15 May 2016

Looking not Buying

Coffee at the bar with Nicole S and Nicole V, Anne and Yasmin. Nicole P was a no-show so it doesn't look as if the distance between her and Nicole S will be soon mended. Found out later that she had friends turn up unexpectedly. (?)
The usual 3 of us stayed on for a bite to eat before going down to the recreation ground for the "Vide Grenier" or carboot sale if you prefer, postponed from last week. Despite the lovely weather, there weren't many stalls there and what there was, was a load of old tat. It's amazing what folk trundle backwards and forwards in the hope of a sale. I've taken far better stuff to the rubbish dump. Still, for those of you who have been to "the Barrows" in Glasgow, you'll know that a wide scale of taste and need exists.
Feeling tired, I came home and changed my viewing habits by opting for French "catch up" which left me wondering why I'd ever abandoned it.
20°, Sun

Went to the market with Nicole who unlike Michel didn't leave me to go our seperate ways. Met up with Hortense at the 'GF' café where we were later joined by Mags, a really nice Scottish woman. Aren't they all? I hear Maureen and my other friends from la belle Écosse say. As usual, I didn't buy a thing, not even any flowers as the ones I bought last week are still going strong
A trip to Lidl, a little way our of town and the rest of the day at home. Calm is good ....... sometimes.
19°, Sun

Friday 13 May 2016

Eating East, Eating West

13.5.16: Persia, Paintings and a Poem
Finally, made it to the tax office; having been closed and with the deadline for submission approaching, there were at least 20 people in front of us at 8.30am. Today's hiccup was that the woman I was supposed to see was receiving in the afternoon and not the morning though JJ was adamant that she hadn't said that. What it meant was there wasn't an office available so I had a consultation in the hall but it did mean that I didn't have to queue. She was very cool about everything so I think I'm on track.
Went to the bar to celebrate over a coffee and was joined by Nicole P when she came by with her two dogs.
Lunch was a real treat; a Persian meal chez Yasmin who as well as inviting Nicole S, Anne and myself, had invited her neighbours Germaine and François. Food was scrummy and conversation interesting.
We all met up again in the evening for the "vernissage" of an exhibition that took as its title
"La femme est l'être qui projette la plus grande ombre ou la plus grande lumière dans nos rêvesfrom a Beaudelaire poem. Paintings of women't bodies in black and white that looked like photos. It was well attended and there were lots of people to chat to and after such a good lunch there was little temptation to pick and nibble. Only drank water so finished the evening at the bar with a glass of wine.
21° Sun, late afternoon cloud, rain in the evening

12.5.16: Missing a Lunch Yesterday, Making up for it Today
Found a message on my portable this morning from David inviting me for lunch at the restaurant yesterday! Shame, as I had had lunch all by myself.
Discussed maritime superstitions (rabbits on board, not starting a voyage on a Friday), difference between French and British omens of good/bad luck during the language exchange which was a bit different from usual. Same as usual was a glass of wine at the bar though for a change, Nicole P and I went to the restaurant for lunch. So I had the pea soup with goats cheese cream followed by round courgettes stuffed with confit of duck with preserved lemons after all.
Towards the end of our meal, it clouded over, followed by heavy rain. That put paid to the proposed walk with Anne and Nicole S. We went instead in search of a present for Yasmin and had a leisurely chat over a pot of tea as the rain poured down outside.
Ended the day by attending the Council meeting, along with (only) five other members of the public. Jean-Jacques was looking very tired so it was no surprise that he passed on a glass of wine and a bit of bread and cheese chez moi.
19° sun and blue skies, cloud and rain arriving at 2pm

11.5.16: Turning down Dinner and Turning up for Dinner
Had to turn down dinner with David and Jean-Jacques at Martine's as Jacques had got in first with an invite for a Mexican meal. Finally got round to delivering François and Jacqueline's photos in the afternoon giving me the added bonus of a bit of exercise.
Made a chocolate cake to take  to Jacques' as a dessert. 11 of us were around the table; we ate well and laughed a lot. At one point, don't know how, the conversation got around to FUDs (Google it if you are in the dark and curious)!
16° Cloudy, rain in the evening  

10.5.16: Flower Power
Set the alarm to be in time to go on a bus trip to Gerone for the flower festival and what luck, the rain had stopped. I've always wanted to go so I had a strong incentive to overcome my reluctance to be with a load of Brits! At least once there, Anne, Nicole and I went off together to explore the city and enjoy the floral displays. Had lunch at "Boira" which was the restaurant that Christian and I ate in on our first trip to Gerone. https://www.tripadvisor.fr/Restaurant_Review-g187499-d996102-Reviews-Boira-Girona_Province_of_Girona_Catalonia.html
A pleasant meal, overlooking the river with a bit of a mark-up specially for the festival. Still, we were glad to find a table and take the weight off our feet.
As well as the flowers, one of the churches had a temporary exhibition of 3 Roman mosaics which was a bonus. Click for more photos.
Came across a gathering of the clans (Jim, Mags and David) on the way passed the bar and was encouraged to stay and have a wee drink.
It had been a long day with plenty of walking so it was a quiet night in with the telly.
19°, cloudy with a few drops of rain

9.5.16: Tax, Tea and Talent
Made it to the tax office with Jean-Jacques only to find a note on the door saying that they were on strike. Went off to get a coffee to warm our sorrows and warm up. Met Jean and Françoise in the bar then came back and had another one with Nicole P.
More photo sorting this afternoon before going to have tea with an association where painting is on the agenda. Was made very welcome; tea and cake, friendly faces and lots of talent to admire. It was worth the walk in the rain for such a pleasant interlude.
17° but feeling colder. Rain all day just like when we arrived all those years ago.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Looking Back, Looking Forward

8th May and it's a public holiday here in France. There was a parade to the war memorial under rainy skies and of course, an apéritif afterwards in the dry of the Mairie. All new stuff for Yasmin.
Tomorrow is "Europe Day" which recognises the founding of the European Community with all its ideals of a better future together and here we are with Brexit looming. 
From the Mairie, it was over to the bar to catch up with Nicole and Anne and as usual we stayed for a bite to eat before going our separate ways. Spent the afternoon backing up photos on the pc as my laptop screen has gone black .....arghhhhh!
House is feeling quite chilly without the heating on (switched off the storage heaters when it was warmer and can't be bothered to light the fire now that the grate has been cleaned) so for a change spent the evening in the Nest which was fine.
17° cloudy start with Perpignan being the coldest place in France!

Saturday 7 May 2016


Went off to the market with Michel this morning and called into a vernissage where I met Eliane a really nice woman that I'd met at a vernissage in the village. Despite my still - hoarse throat we chatted for ages until a bloke (photographer) muscled in to ask about exhibition space. My ears pricked up when he told me that he did talks too as I know Erika is wanting to develop that side of things in Christian's room but a part from that he was a bit of a bore.
Met Michel again later at the bar for tea as Eve had asked if he could give some tips about Roumanian food given that he's just back from there. They've had the good idea of doing a meal from the country of France's opponents each time they play in the European cup. France are also scheduled to play Albania in this first round. Who knows what they'll come up with.
In the evening Jean-Jacques did dinner for Jean, Françoise, Terry , Anne and myself. Very tasty duck legs and sautéd potatoes.
18° dry with occasional sunny spell

Friday 6 May 2016

Quiet Few Days

Some paperwork, coffee at bar where I chatted with Jean-Jacques a bit and read on the terrace. Saw JJ again later as he came around to make sure that I had the right papers to take to the tax office on Monday. Oooh, it's getting ever closer.
Then in the afternoon, I went for tea with Jackie, a rather shy women who's husband died the week that they moved to the village. Keeps herself largely to herself and doesn't come to things in the village so I don't really know her. Even so what with looking at her photos, eatiing macarons, chatting and trying to regulate a piece of exercise equipment I didn't see the 3 hours pass. Night in.
19° sun, some cloud later
Sadiq Khan elected Mayor of London Labour. Scots Nats back in.

4.5.16: Get a Grip, woman
Throat less sore. Even though it's a bank holiday (Ascension), the language exchage met and then went as usual to the bar. Had lunch with Viv, Pepe, Eddie and Nicole P sitting out on an all but full terrace. Home and went round in circles trying to create my "personal space" on a couple of institutional websites (nothing is ever easy or is me that's incompetant?). Once again Margaret and Izzy came to my rescue; I abandoned the task in hand in favour of tea at the bar. After which followed a very pleasant supper round at theirs. Wee sweet Millie (6 months old) kept both Grandma and myself captivated. Seems I can blow raspberries and talk baby-talk with the best of 'em. Gaga over a baby, excited by a mini supermarket opening? Now there's a suprise.
19°, sun blue skies

Went into town to finally develop the photos for Jacqueline and François and the first person that I met was Françoise. Off we went for a coffee and catch up. Home on the 11am bus and called into the new superette that opened this morning. What an improvement; well stocked shelves, cheery staff, plenty of room to get around. It's going to be a great boon for me.
Taking advantage of the warm weather, I swept the patio and steps, weeded the pots and collected the leaves. Before going to a talk on the spread of Christianity in Vallespir given by the mayor, I prepared some tapas for 8 of us. André and Nany, Michèle and Henri, Michel and Jean-Jacques, Françoise and myself made a merry little band and my latest inspiration (prunes stuffed with pieces of duck breast and cubes of pork fillet topped with sliced stem ginger) went down well and used up the leftovers in the fridge.

Throat still sore but taking my "coratge" in my hands I started to sort my tax papers but what do you know? Izzy and Margaret who arrived yesterday, winkled me out for a coffee at the bar. Lone stopped by and joined us too.
In the evening Martine called in for a glass of cava then off we went for the last of the season "Soirée Guitares" at the bar. We even sat outside for a while as the interior was taken up by a huge paella pan that Nico was tending. Didn't stay too late as we were both tired.
20°, lighter winds blue skies

Paperwork for me, the women's group, the association and the blog before meeting Lynn to translate an article for her over coffee at the bar..
19° but feeling cooler

Sunday 1 May 2016

Looking for Luck

It was strange not to have a sprig of lily-of-the-valley from Christian this morning. Traditionally, it brings goog luck. Had to make do with a rainbow which was visible from the bedroom window instead. Today is also a public holiday and being labour day, there was no newspaper. went as usual to the bar for coffe and met up with Nicole S and Anne. Françoise joined us and much to our delight(!) gave us a lecture on land rights in France. Rainbow obviously hadn't kicked in. Left Anne and Nicole to it as I was invited chez Henri and Michèle for lunch where a sprig of lily-of-the-valley awaited me. Home late afternoon and stayed infront of the telly this evening nursing a very sore throat. Do I hear you cry "coratge"?
Heavy, low cloud with gusts of wind up to 111km/h