Saturday 30 April 2016

Cold, cold, cold!

The rain was back so I didn't bother going to the market and settled instead for a coffee at the bar. As I was about to leave, Jean-Jacques arrived with his sister for lunch and I even managed to resist the invitation to join them. Didn't resist the invite to partake of a glass, if you're starting to worry!
Wasn't feeling that hungry so went down to the recreation ground where the Mairie was providing a refreshment station for cyclist coming through from Girona, via the Coll d'Ares, the mountains behind the village and down to Pallafugell. Oh, how they were suffering; wet and cold, quite a few gave up en route. I spent most of the afternoon there and handing out a drink when those hardy souls came in and shouting "coratge" (courage in Catalan) when they left.
In the evening I went with Nicole P to Jany's show entitled a "Duo de Femmes" and very amusing it was too. There was even a glass of wine offered at the end which Nicole and I supplemented with one in the bar..
12°, damp, cold drizzle

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