Wednesday 31 August 2016

Lots of Work, too tired to Play

31.8.16: Last Lap
Cleaned all morning and, took a break for coffee at 11.20 then restarted after lunch working through until 4pm about an hour before Jim, Cecelia, Elizabeth, Matt, Katie and Charlotte arrived. Really friendly, easy to get on with people who didn't need telling twice to make themselves at home. Fortunately there wasn't any expectation to feed them as Nick and Lizzie had organised meals out and I told them the kitchen and store cupboard was theirs if they wanted to eat in at anytime.
Made them welcome and settled them in before we all went off in our separate directions. They to Céret, me to Nicole S's for dinner with Anne, Mike and Linda; but my goodness, I was too tired to sparkle using what little energy I had left, to try and avoid (unsuccessfully) things that go bite in the night. I did manage, however,  to get up from my seat to take this photo of the sunset.
28°, sun

30.8.16: Appreciating Thérèse more by the minute!
Treadmill and more cleaning which was interrupted by a call from Nicole who wanted to unburden so I went over to the bar earlier than planned to have a coffee with her. She left and the other Nicole arrived. JJ arrived later and joined us for a rosé. Home for lunch and then another stint working hard and it's still not finished. Well, it is a big house.
Prepared tapas for JJ and Michel who came by after their meeting. Was I  feeling pleased that all this graft was nearly over? You can bet your life I was!
28°, sun

29.8.16: Mop and Bucket at the ready
Intellectual chore finished, it was now time to roll up my sleeves to get the place presentable for my visitors who are arriving on Wednesday. Two couples, a 14 and 4 year old whom I don't know are billeted with me for the wedding of friends' daughter. Self imposed pressure was on to have the place spotless including the copper; I kid you not. Supermarket with Colin and Lynn to get for breakfast stuff etc followed by a long coffee nearby. Cleaned and cleaned and cleaned all afternoon. Oh yes, I did a stint on the treadmill too. Gave Roger's party a miss too even though this time we weren't expected to bring our own meal. All I wanted was to put my feet up and watch the telly.
26°, low cloud to start, sun later and rain in the evening

28.8.16: Nose to the Grind, Episode 2
Apparently God rested on the 7th day; me, mere mortal that I am have needed two days respite from the treadmill! However, that doesn't mean that I was completely idle. Made a gentle start; had a lie in reading the papers to the sound of the church bell calling  folk to Mass and then went over to the bar for my coffee. All three Nicole's were absent so I ended up staying for lunch with Germaine and Marie-Louise. Came home and spent several hours finishing the translation. Never again!
I had been invited to a BBQ this evening but being confronted with a request to take my own meat, a salad or dessert to share and something to drink, I thought blow that and after doing my head in over the translation, an evening in the company of a load of Brits didn't appeal.
29°, sun, heavy cloud burst in the evening

27.8.16: Nose to the Grind
Have decided that the treadmill should rest at the weekends so no need to leap out of bed this morning. Today marks the mass exodus of families that have been here on holiday as schools starting  up again next week. The market was still busy though and Michel had difficulty finding a parking place.
Not able, in all conscience to put it off any longer, I attacked the translation for nearly 7 hours, disliking and begrudging every minute of it.
29°, sun

26.8.16: Tales from the Bar
Well, so much for being up to date. It's now 7th September and I'm on another catch up! Anyway, let's go bac:k in time......
Started again with the treadmill; you've no idea of the pleasure that it gives me to write that! Coffee came afterwards with Nicole P at the bar and  ******* !!!! I was stung on the arm by a wasp and did I scream! It's not my imagination but there are definitely more about this year. Eve, took out the sting straight away  and I shot off to the chemist for a cream to calm it down.  That's not all; engrossed in what had happened to me, Jean-Marie fell over a chair leg and cut his knee. As things calmed down, some municipal workers arrived to install two cycle racks. Remains to be seen if cars leave free access free  and  if indeed people do use them instead of propping bikes against the fountain.
Another lunch at the restaurant with David and Laura followed, in theory to go over the Scottish trip. Across the square we could see fun and games at the bar; a set of bookshelves was being hoisted up the front of the building to go in through one of the windows as the stairs were too narrow. At the end a broom was put underneath to push it up the last little bit. As you can see from the photo, it was all a bit precarious.
Came home to find a bag of tomatoes hung on the door (just like "A Year in Provence", if you know Peter Mayle's book). Went back to the bar for an apéro and what do you know? Someone parked his tractor right up against the bike rack and someone else brought their bike onto the terrace rather than use the other rack. All so predicable! Came home to water the plants in the dark.
29°, sun

Thursday 25 August 2016

Burning off the Calories

25.8.16: Speaking in Tongues
Treadmill and Spanish again first thing. This really is a record for me. There's so much more time to do things when you get up earlier, isn't there? Was in the process of doing some emails when Michel phoned to say that he was going to the market in Figueres; so, of course I leapt at the chance. There was time to spend nearly half an hour at the language exchange first and do you know what? I didn't feel guilty about shooting off early. Spanish, French, English in the space of 3 hours!
Traffic was quite heavy going over the border so it was 11.45am by the time we arrived and found a parking spot. Still, going was more for the pleasure of getting out and wandering around buying fruit and veg at a fraction of the price you'd pay here. If you can make them out, the yellow bags hanging up on the photo are full of snails.
We had lunch next to the market on the terrace of a small café. Three courses and half a lager for 7€50!!! The food was simple but very good. I had veg lasagne for my main course which was delicious. So much for keeping off dairy products.
Attended a public council meeting this evening after which I retired to the bar with JJ, Matine and Jean-Marie  for a glass of rosé. The best thing, however, is that the blog is now up to date! Yippee!

30°, clear blue skies, warm wind

24.8.16: Same 'ol
Treadmill and Spanish, coffee at the bar, more research for the Scottish trip, had a look at the translation, my own admin and not much else.
32°, sunny and hot in the warm wind coming up from North Africa.

23.8.16: Scarlet Pimpernel
Made the same start to the day as yesterday and worked on the blog until it was time to walk over to Marguerite's for lunch. Also invited were Christian and Trudy. Lingered over champage and nibbles before starting the meal with this splendid fellow. Didn't arrive home until about 4pm when I set to and prepared some tapas for JJ and Michel this evening after their council team meeting. In fact, Michel didn't stay too long as was invited elsewhere. Just back from a month's holiday, he's off in two weeks for another month. He's just so elusive, you need to get in quick with any invitation or make do with a fleeting glimpse. Thankfully, JJ is more consistent.
28°, sunny

22.8.16: Beware of Friends Bearing Teapots!
The start of a new week and I'm resolved to try and get more exercise. Leapt out of bed as soon as the alarm went off at 7.20am, plugged myself into my ipod to listen to my Spanish lessons and did over an hour on the treadmill! So far so good.
Went out for my usual coffee at the end of the moning and was later joined by JJ who's just back from holiday. Caught up over a glass of rosé.
This afternoon, I had a surprise invition over to Annie's  for tea. She came and picked me up and we sat in her garden for a while before going inside for tea. This photo is the view from her back garden. Makes a change from my usual ones of people eating. After a while Annie (an English teacher at the local secondary school) brought out a translation that she was correcting for an ex-student and asked me to go over it. Next thing I knew she was going to send me the originals to translate so she could compare our two versions. Not sure how it all happened as it's the last thing that interests me but I was too much of a wimp to refuse. Oh dear, I can feel another case of procrastination coming on.
31°, sunny and hot

Sunday 21 August 2016

Sorry for the Lack of Photos

21.8.16: More Music
Coffee this morning with the usual crowd but didn't stay for lunch. Tackled the ironing this afternoon and made up the beds for next week's visitors. Well, with 4 bedrooms+ to clean, I can't leave it all to the last minute. Oh, why did Thérèse have to take her holidays at this particular moment?
Joined, Nicole S, Anne and Florence for more music at the bar this evening; Much more like it. So much so, that I stayed until the end. Felt a bit like the Titanic with only seven of us left on the terrace.
Sorry that I've been so lax about taking photos to brighten up the blog.this week but there hasn't been anything much going on. Shame I didn't take one of Jaques in his beekeeping gear though.
28°, blue skies,, wind, chilly eveneing

20.8.16:No More Cash Flow Worries
My bank card finally arrived yesterday. So much for the two days, the woman in the bank talked about. Pretty impossible with a weekend and public holiday in the way. Anyway, it's good not to be living off borrowed money and to be able to pay my debts.
Went into the market with Jacques and before coming home we chatted about his USA/Mexico trip and about life over a glass of wine.
This evening the "Café des Copines" women's group met at the other bar for a grill. All 7 of us were contentd with our welcome.and with what was on our plates. To be repeated, we decided.
From there, Nicole P, Christiane and I went down to the recreation ground to watch some sardane dancing. Not many people there which was a shame but there again, there didn't seem to have been much publicity. We all bought raffle tickets but none of us won. The village butcher had donated a prize of chacuterie which was won by his uncle; himself a retired butcher! It was quite chilly in the wind so Nicole and I came back up to the café for a warm drink with Tery and Ann
27° feeling chillier, cloudy all day, wind

19.8.16: Procrastination
Spent a couple of hours preparing for a  meeting with David and Laura  to talk about the proposed Scottish trip for the association over lunch. Still, I always was a last minuter. We had lunch at the restaurant and then retired to the bar to pour over various websites. Why can't we find where we want to go, at the time we want to go, staying in well reviewed accomodation all at a bargain price? Seems like compromise is going to be inevitable..
Went back in the evening to listen to an Irish group. Sadly all I got for the effort was some  pretty mediocre music and mossie bites.
29°, sun. Only a spit of rain despite the brooding clouds

18.8.16: Al Fresco Dining
How quickly the language exchange comes around! Nothing of note to report. A rosé at the bar and a one course lunch with Terry and Ann.
Had a surprise visit this afternoon from Trudi and Christian who are in the area on holiday from Switzerland. I was touched that they'd taken the trouble to look me up.
Once they'd gone, I got out the wooden spoon and made a cake for dinner at Kathy's. Linde brought stuffed mussels which is my prefered way of eating them. All very pleasant and there's an apéro in "our" garden in the offing. Yes, I still have my fifth share.
29°, sun

17.8.16: Do You Speak English?
Gave Nicole P an English lesson over coffee this morning and had a square screens afternoon.
31°, sun, rain shower, distant thunder

16.8.16: Doing Battle
Started the day with a visit to the osteopath who came highly recommended by Rowena. He was good and really put my back into better shape despite there being some arthritis. He advised me to give up milk products, cut down on sugar and get more exercise. Umph, we'll see. Had time for a coffee before my bus home, a trip that took 25 minutes instead of 10!
Had lunch with Yasmin at the Quattrocenco overlooking the fountain with 9 jets and where we were seranaded with music. All very agreeable.
Had coffee in another café under the plane trees and then came back to sort out Yasmin's building permission at the Mairie. On leaving there, I bumped into Martine and we went to the other village bar and had tea on the patio at the back.
As night fell, Jacques, the bee-keeper came in full kit to try and aerosol the wasps to death. I could hear them going crazy above my bedroom ceiling which is under the eaves. He's not sure it will work as he couldn't see the nest, so fingers crossed. Discretion  being the better part of valour, I once again slept on the settee.
28°, sun

Monday 15 August 2016

Take it Easy Weekend

15.8.16: Dimanche Bis*
 Today is a public holiday (Feast day of the Assumption) and the other village in the commune has its "Festa Major". Didn't want to spend the whole day out in the heat, so just hung around. Coffeee followed by lunch at the café with Nicole S. Spent the afternoon working on the computer.
* Another Sunday
28° but feeling much hotter. Low cloud start, blue skies with a short cloud burst and distant thunder in the afternoon

14.8.16: Keep Calm and Carry On!
For reason unknown, I had a surge of energy and swept the patio before breakfast while it was still cool. Over to the bar as usual for coffee with Nicole S, Rosie and Jo. Nicole and myself stayed on for lunch and were joined by Nany and André, Martine and Gilles. I ordered rabbit for my main course, something which always surprises the French. For them, the "English" as well as being perfidious are squeamish eaters. Well into the meal, Nany fainted and was out for quite a while. Luckily André is a doctor and reassured us that it was a drop in blood pressure and no need to be unduly concerned. He had come on his bike so it was Gilles that took her home once she'd come round. André left, Gilles came back and we carried on to dessert.
29°, sun

13.8.16: Taking Flight!
Couldn't be bothered to go and fight my way around the market so just contened myself with a coffee at the bar in the morning, trying to make inroads into a blog catch up in the afternoon and then an evening of music back at the bar.  Jany and Patrick invited me to sit with them, later to be joined by Nicole V. The music was relaxing, varied and just right for a warm summer's evening.
Also enjoying a warm summer's evening was a wasp that had found its way into my bedroom. Failed to swat it so went downstairs and slept on the sofa. Could have used one of the bedrooms but with visitors coming, I didn't want to make extra work. In any case, the sofa's big and surprisingly comfortable. Come the morning, there was no sign of my stripy friend who'd presumably departed through one of the open windows.
27°, sun

Friday 12 August 2016

Ups and Downs

An even earlier start as I was on the bus at 8am to go for my regular mammogram. I was well in advance so walked from the terminus to the clinic where I was at least 30 mins early. It was quiet and I was taken more or less straight away. Had the interpretation from the doctor (all in order) and the plates and written report in my hand by the time of my scheduled appointment. Walked back to the bus station and rather than wait for well over an hour, I decided to take an early bus into Céret and go to the bank. Yes, friends, the code arrived yesterday. That's to say, the second one did!
What do they say about pride coming before a fall? I've a pair of very wide legged trousers that I really love and think I'm the real deal in themn but despite a fall and a few near misses, I continue to wear them. Should know better because having taken care coming down the steps of the bus when I got off, I'd oly gone about 10m when I caught my foot and went flying. Landed on my left hand, bumped my head, grazed my kee and felt a fool in front of several people who came to my aid.
At the bank: 
Eh, grhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the damn thing didn't work because the chip was damaged. The bank made another request; this time for a new card which they charmingly said, I wouldn't be charged for.
Had gone a couple of hundred metres from the bank when I realised that I'd lost my shirt that I'd been carrying in case I needed protection from the sun. Back to bank: no sign. Back to the newsagents; no sign. All the time trying to take care not to fall again. Lo and behold, on the way back to the bus it was sitting on a fence where someone had placed it.
Spent the afternoon with my wrist inside an ice sleeve (one that you'd normally use to cool a bottle of wine) and another on my knee!
Didn't venture out this evening. Rested in front of the tv; it was safer. Sadly, I've decided that the trousers will have to be cut down as much as my vanity has!
29°, sun , wind 

Thursday 11 August 2016

The Sun Continues to Shine

11.8.16: Musical Chairs
Had to get myself moving this morning as I was responsible for the language exchange. As usual, headed straight for the café at the end for a glass of rosé.
Just fritted away the time in the afternoon and then went back over in the evening to listen to music. Nicole P didn't arrive so I found myself joining Nicole V, Jim and Mags and Yasmin . Was later joined by friend, Margaret's son Tomas and his partner, Sarah who are here on holiday. It's nice to have some young, energetic company. Karin and Jurgen then took up the seats that the British crowd left and oh dear, the former was the worse for wear. She confided that she had lots on her plate so it seems there's another woman needing support.

10.8.16: Nowt!
 Coffee with Yasmin. Backed up more photos and cleaned some copper. What a sad state of affairs when I find such mundanity of note!
27°, sun and wind

9.8.16: Mediterranean Delights
Went into town on the bus to meet Anne (or Golden Anne, as Mum calls her) for a coffee. Lots to tell me about the flat that she and her fella have just bought in Cyprus. Had a lift home with Marylyse and Domi.
This evening JJ, Jean and Françoise came for an apéritif . For their delictation :
Gazpacho topped with chorizo, chopped green peppers and hard boiled egg
Beetroot Dip with toasted Cumin and Sesame Seeds with Rcotta and Chives accompanied by crisps and bread sticks
Chick Peas, tuna cream with preserved lemon, gherkins and basil verrine
Cherry Tomatoes
Smoked Salmon on Cream Cheese Toasts
Warm Figs and Goat's Cheese
Cava and Pineau de Charente
Yes, I know people always pour scorn on bloggers who report on what they eat and drink as being of no interest but this is an aide memoire for me, so I shall continue; you dear reader are not forced to read it! xxx
28°, sun

8.8.16: So long, Marianne
It was hot last night which made sleeping difficult though today's breeze helps a little. Met Nicole P for a coffee then spent the afternoon putting my photos onto an external disc as the laptop is about to give up on me. Time consuming but needs must.
This evening the Mairie put on a film in the open air. Typical summer box office success but it didn't tempt me to do more than wander over at the interval to say "hello" to a few folk.
Oh dear! That's two nights in a row that I've not made an effort to participate. I'll need to keep an eye on myself.
32°, sun
Reports of Marianne's death came in. She who inspired Leonard Cohen's song of the same name. Remember hearing it for the first time when I was at Uni and was hooked.
His letter to her just before she lost consciousness was reported in the press etc. It's so beautiful but that's  not surprising as Lenny is nothing if not a poet.
It said, "well Marianne it’s come to this time when we are really so old and our bodies are falling apart and I think I will follow you very soon. Know that I am so close behind you that if you stretch out your hand, I think you can reach mine."
“And you know that I’ve always loved you for your beauty and your wisdom, but I don’t need to say anything more about that because you know all about that. But now, I just want to wish you a very good journey. Goodbye old friend. Endless love, see you down the road.”
It was reported that she actually did stretch out her hand.

7.8.16: lunching and Lazing
Usual Sunday gathering at the café for our Sunday coffeee: 3 Nicoles, Rosie and Françoise. Stayed for a lunch of steak and veg (resisted the chips) then came home to iron and watch tv. Didn't bother going back for the music as this hot weather is really an energy zapper.
32°, sun

6.8.16: tapas overlooking the Sea
went into the bank as my code has not yet arrived. a second request was sent even though the first one was supposed to have been sent on 29th. Met up with Françoise over coffee and then went for the 11am bus but .... isn't there always a but? The 11am bus has now become the 12.10pm bus. Not wanting to hang around until then, I went in search of a lift from Nick and Lizzie. They were just about to leave so for once my luck was in.
More chores and then unexpectedly, Françoise phoned to invite me down to Argelès for a stroll and apéritif overlooking the marina. Now, that's what I call a just reward!
Every summer there are large panels showing photos relating to flora, fauna, landscapes and people. This year the theme was "des hommes et des îles". Great! A bit of culture, a bit of exercise then a bit of relaxation. Tapas and apéros by way of a belated birthday treat.
On coming back to the village, even though it was about 10pm, I wasn't ready to sleep so put in an appearance at the disco that was going on at the park. Joined Rosie who was on her own; drank some rosé, chatted a lot and even danced a bit.
31° sunny, still windy

5.8.16: Photos and Politics
Bit of a later start this morning; must have been a reaction to yesterday's cleaning!  As always went for a coffee and met up with Martine, JJ and his house guests. Spent the afternoon doing more chores.
This evening it was back to JJ's along with Jean and Françoise but before heading over, we took time to visit the latest exhibition in Christian's room. On show were photos of urban /industrial objects. I particular these two. In case you can't work it out, one is of tyres, the other is a view up the inside of a pylon.
This time it was Yaneth who organised the meal and everyone contributed to the conversation which of course revolved around politics both at a local and national level!
29°, sunny, Tramontane blowing.

Thursday 4 August 2016

All Good Things Come to an End

4.8.16: Like a Bird on a Wire ( )
One family left at 10am, the other at 11am so rapidly, the house took on a different resonance. Rather than sit around in the silence, of course I went over to the café at noon to catch up with the language exchangers. Bruno and Christine, regular summer visitors from the Norman town that we twinned with stopped by  so I changed tables to catch up with them too.
Started to do a bit of getting the house in order but you know me, it was nothing too strenuous!
Was back at the bar in the evening to listen to some reggae music with Ann and Terry but didn't make a late night of it. Feeling a bit like the swallows in this photo that I took on returning home, I just wanted to get my head down.
30°, sun

3.8.16: Not Counting Anymore
Telephone calls, cards to open, a lovely orchid from the family but otherwise a leisurely day. Coffee with Nicole P and a long rest in the afternoon.
In the evening we were invited (the older kids stayed home to dine on take-away pizza) to Jean-Jacques's along with Martine for an apéritif dinatoire. Emma and Lisa became the best of pals in no time and entertained themselves all evening. Went down to the bar and while we had a night cap, they sat at another table playing cards for all the world like two grown ups. Parting from each other was a dramatic affair with never ending huge hugs. Methinks that the pair of them could have a great future in the world of theatre or cinema!
31°, sun and blue skies

2.2.16: Being Spoilt
The day started with a well woman appointment for me with the whole family coming along for the ride. While I was being poked and prodded ((all in order) they walked around town and were lucky enough to catch a Mexican folk group singing and dancing in the streets. The necessary having been done, the rest of the day was spent out together. Our first port of call was the golf course up in mountains  for a beer but to our disappointment, we couldn't find a parking space. Annoyingly there were two large vehicles which their owners either couldn't or couldn't be bothered to park properly that they were encroaching on the adjacent space. Headed off to the neighbouring village which we walked around before having our drink. It's only small but there's a lovely old church (consacrated in 1142), and narrow streets with such picturesque names such as "transhumance and contraband path" and "last muleteer street"
Lingered in the shade at the bar over cold drinks and then went in search of lunch. Driving through spectacular scenery we arrived at Tapis which serves very substantial meals and is a popular stop for tourists and locals alike.
Started with a bottle of cava, to toast my birthday, the family's visit, Maureen's successful baccalaureate results and Jean and Hugo who both did well in their end of 3rd year exams.
Next stop was the lake at Darnius where the kids bathed and I retreated to the shade complete with folding chair to read my book. Had a drink before leaving looking out over the lake - my idea of relaxation and the icing on the cake was the absence of queues when crossing the border on the way home.
After such a lunch, supper was a light affair though of course we didn't miss out on the apéros first. Rounded off the day with a night cap at bar.
A change of scene surrounded by family and not being allowed to put my hand in my pocket was a pretty good way of forgetting that there's another year on the clock!
32°, blue skies and light breeze at the lake.

1.8.16: Keeping Old Habits Going
A morning trip to the café (nothing new there) where I met Nicole P. We were joined later by Martine, then Jean-Jacques and finally by Jacques, Yaneth and Lisa who are staying with JJ. rest of the day saw lunch and a no-hanging about dinner at home as the kids went off to the (free) open air cinema laid on by a neighbouring Mairie. I just flopped in front of the telly with my feet up (nothing new there eithher) and was in bed before they arrived home..
29°, early low cloud with a breeze, blue skies later