Sunday 11 September 2016

Blog once again up to Date!

11.9.16: A Shining Example?
After five early mornings on the treadmill and an early start to go to Figueres yesterday, I was more than happy to linger over the papers in bed before going for my usual coffee. The two Nicole's were there as was Annie who says that we'll be getting a lunch on the strength of the translations soon.
The two Nicole's and I stayed for a bite to eat and were joined later by Gilles and Martine. Had a good bit of feedback from them as when visiting friends in Provence, the latter were very disparaging of  the Brits, especially concerning food, I was held up as a friend (!) who likes and enjoys food, knows everything and everyone. Warmed the cockles of me 'eart it did!

10.9.16: Not just a Load of Old Dalí
No market today as I went off to Figueres with Nicole who was interested in buying a coat  and wanted my advice. Funny really, as I'm far from being a style guru!  Arrived nice and early and shopped and shopped with a short break for coffee and then shopped again until lunch time. Ate a salad at the Lizzeran which is a favourite of a few folk from the village
Having looked and compared in the morning, after lunch came the serious business of buying. Thankfully Nicole gave up the idea of the coat she'd gone to buy but bought another. I bought a blouse that I didn't need but liked.
Home just after 5pm with feet demanding a good rest; not that I could linger long as I was invited to Françoise's, my next door neighbour, for an apéritif along with other folk from the street. A pleasant evening with plenty of chat ; local, national and international; serious and light hearted. To be repeated the next time she's here from Paris.
29°, sun

9.9.16: Culture and Gastronomy
The annual international festival of photo journalism is due to end this week and Françoise and Jean took Lone and I to Perpignan to see it. It's been a couple of years since I've been as quite honestly it's pretty hard going . You need a strong stomach and clear head to get around. One advantage though is that it's spread over several sights so you get to see inside a number of buildings not normally open to the public. Security was tight with bag checks and metal detectors. Although a serious subject, one little bit of light relief from all the war, poverty and refugee stuff was provided by a photo of several baby oragutans being wheeled in a barrow to "school" where they are taught survival skills after being liberated from captivity.
After a couple of hours, we'd reached saturation point and went to the "Hotel Pams", (hotel in French is used for a mansion) not to see the expo but to enjoy the building itself. Built in the 19th century it was one of the houses owned  by the industrialist who produced JOB cigarette papers. What a delight.
Had lunch at "La Baratine", Place de la Révolution Française. A baratine is the red traditional hat worn by Catalan men; the restaurant set on a little square next to a well with a salamander that has water flowing from it's mouth was relaxed with pleasant staff and good food for the price.
Had a little time to rest at home before heading off to the bar for a meal accompanied by music from the group "Bossa Nostra" (twice in one day, hence the need for the treadmill). There were 11 of us at the table, two of whom were Richard and Izzy. Once again Richard was more than generous with the rosé. It wasn't safe to take your eyes off him for a minute as he was quick as grease lightening at filling up your glass. Luckily, it's not far to come home.
31°, sun, light overnight rain

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