Friday 30 September 2016

Daily Life interspersed with some welcome Culture

30.9.16: Coffee, Carnival and a Concert
Routine stuff continued this morning with work on the computer until it was time to meet Nicole for coffee. A meeting  for next year's carnival this evening and then a concert of Bizet's work in the village hall with Jean-Jacques who had a couple of complimentary tickets. There were of course, pieces from "Carmen" and some from "The Fair Maid of Perth" as well as one or two lesser known pieces; well, to me anyway! Sadly it wasn't that well attended but those of us who were there enjoyed it and a  glass of cava at the interval.
26°, sun

29.9.16: Fully Occupied with Routine
After a full on day yesterday, it was no surprise that I was feeling tired this morning. Had an association committee meeting followed by the language exchange and a glass of wine at the bar in the morning. Came home for lunch, did some admin in the afternoon and attended a Council meeting in the evening. Ah, well, can't have dynamic, interesting days all the time.
27°, sun

28.9.16: Art de Vivre
For once there's no big basket of ironing looking reproachfully at me as Mary had done it however there was no time to catch up with the other things that had been left undone during the time she was here. I was up and out early to meet Ken and Margaret to go to Gerona for an exhibition of Sorolla's work. Give me culture over housework any day.
Apparently big companies in Spain are obliged by law to do something every year on either the heritage or humanitarian front out of their profits. The expo was one bank's "good deed".
The weather was glorious so walking around the old streets was pleasant; once we had a coffee in the Plaça de Indépendencia that is.
Had a rip-off salad on the Ramblas for lunch; yes, yes, we really should have known better but watching the world go by more than made up for what there wasn't on the plate. Christian, had he been there, would have course have held another opinion! Ken and I had the added pleasure later of a very creamy 2 scoop ice cream cone.
Arrived home with just enough time to grab a bottle of wine to go to Jim and Mags for an apéritif. They'd also invited a small handful of other Brits to meet Phil and Liz, friends of theirs who are thinking of buying in France and setting up a cycle holiday business.
Before heading home to bed there was one more visit to be made. Lone and Jesper were inaugurating their newly renovated wine cave and it was "open house".  They'd even invited Christophe who's just set up a micro brewery in the village. Wine, beer, nibbles and plenty of folk to talk to; a good end to a varied day!
26°, sun

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