Thursday 8 September 2016

Lots of Routine and a Fix of Chocolate

8.9.16: Snooze by Chocolate
After neglecting my language exchange duties recently, I relieved Maggie of the burden of opening up and setting up. Of course, there was a drink at the bar afterwards and after that lunch at the restaurant to talk once more about the Scottish trip. Needless to say Martine and I couldn't resist this dessert; David and Laura were made of sterner stuff!
You can see from the photo how bright it was as the reflection of the church is visible on the rim of the dish.
Don't know if it was the glass of wine or the pud but unusually for me, I nodded off briefly in the afternoon. These never ending high temperatures certainly zap your energy.
28°, sunny

7.9.16:  Routine Daily Routine
More treadmill, more chores and then a late but lengthy coffee at the other bar with Nicole P. Went to the other Nicole's for tea and more chat before attending the AGM of the village music association. Stayed for the apéritif but not the meal, preferring instead to come home and watch tv. A welcome bit of quiet time.
28°, sun with strong winds making it feel cooler. Blessed relief!

6.9.16: Daily Routine
Treadmill, domestic chores, coffee at the bar, work on the Scotland tour and that was it. Too hot for anything else.
32°, sun

5.9.16: Navigating the System
Another Monday and once again it was time to fire up the treadmill. Much to my surprise after 4 days lay off, I did. Had coffee with Lone, who's just arrived from Denmark and helped her register over the phone with the unemployment folk as she has to sign on there to continue receiving her benefit from Denmark. Apart from that, I tackled  some admin work for the association and not much else.
32° sun

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