Sunday 4 September 2016


4.9.16: End of Summer
Matt, Elizabeth and the girls left this morning which left me free to read the paper and go over for coffee at the bar. Not that having everyone here made much difference to me as by and large they looked after themselves; all a bit Airbandb but with out any monetary gain. Must say, I couldn't have asked for nicer folk.
Stayed on for lunch with Nicole during which there were a load of storks flying over.It was a lovely sight with them gracefully gliding on the air currents. Well, of course the collective noun is not a "load of" but a muster or mustering which I've just  found out. So, as the French would say "at least I won't go to bed as stupid as I got up!".
Back to the bar this evening at the invitation of Florence who was off the next day to go back to the States via her parents' place in Normandy. The summer visitors both human and avian are winging off in all directions, it would seem.
34°, sunny and hot

3.9.16: There's nothing better than a good friend, than a good friend with chocolate!
Went into the market with my guests this morning but left them to meet up with the other Brits while I sought out Hortense and then Jean and Françoise for a coffee.
Jim and Cecelia left  after lunch to go down to Collioure to stay in a flat for the week but as no one had a cheque book with them they had no means of paying the £250 security deposit which they'd forgotten about. Just hope they don't have any wild parties as it was me that bailed them out.
No time for me to draw breath as I was invited to Michel's to have coffee and dessert with he and the 4 friends he had staying. Went armed with a couple of bars of Lindt dark chocolate which means that there's less temptation lurking in the cupboard for me.
In the evening I bumped into Izzy, Richard and baby who invited me to eat with them. Nice to have some young company even if they did ply me with a little too much rosé!
33°, sun

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