Tuesday 27 September 2016

Kindness of Friends

27.9.16: Doing Good Business
While Mary packed, I went to my Spanish group. Wonder if I'll make any progress this year? Met Mary for a coffee afterwards which we followed with a final glass of rosé in the sun before she had to head off to the airport. Ann kindly gave us a lift there which gave us time to have lunch and saved us three buses. Thanks to friends Mary was able to get out and about and have a varied few days which she appreciated all the more so as it had been unexpected.
As it happened Ann and I were meeting for the apérobio with Lynn and Dani so the timing of the airport run couldn't have been better. The bar had been busy at lunch time with a group of 30 British boules players having wine and tapas and then this evening there were 50 Swedes for a meal. Conjours up a silly image, doesn't it? Or is that just  my infantile sense of humour? We were banished to the interior but were glad of it as the temperature dropped. Ours was a much more restrained evening which suited me fine as I was feeling pretty weary. Now there's a whole week before the next visitors arrive.
26°, sun and light cloud

26.9.16: Sea Views
Had a day out with Jean and Françoise and their visitors from Brittany, Anita and Lucien. Started off in Collioure and lingered long over a coffee with the sea gently lapping the shore less than a stone's throw away. Strolled through the narrow streets diving in and out of craft shops catering for the tourist trade and drank in the gorgeous scenery. From there we made a twisty drive on a narrow road to the lighthouse out a Cap Béar where there was more fabulous scenery stretching down the coast. If you're wondering about lunch; you're right, it came next at Banyuls farther down the coast. This is the place where the waiters take their lives as well as their trays in their hands and cross a busy road to serve people on the patios next to the sea.
As there wasn't any possibility of a siesta, the only way to digest our lunch was to walk some more at Paulilles, a conservation area on the site of the old Nobel (he of the prizes fame) dynamite factory. It was the first time that I'd been and was delighted by what I discovered: gardens, walks, an exhibition about the factory, a Catalan boat repair shop and exhibition about deep sea divers who lived, worked and died early on this coast and of course, the sea.  http://anglophone-direct.com/sunshine-and-dynamite-at-paulilles/
stopped for an apéritif at the bar before heading home for another quiet night in. It was good to have been out and about on what would have been our 25th wedding anniversary.
26°, sun

25.9.16: Thunder, Telly and Tapas
Sunday again, so obviously there was coffee at the bar. Went home for lunch and overdosed on three episodes of "Poldark" as Mary had never watched it. Enjoyed taking it easy and contented ourselves with a tapas supper.
Sun, cloud, rain and thunder which wasn't as bad as had been forecast.

24.9.16: Grumpiness in the Air
Went into the market with Nicole S and met up with Françoise for a coffee, then had an apéritif at another café before deciding to go back to the first café for a salad lunch. Still with me? There we had the most disagreable waitress who was highly stressed and didn't appreciate a joke I made. Even though her her reaction was OTT I apologised (ever one to try and smooth things over me) but she continued to be offhand. We should really have left but didn't though Nicole complained to the boss afterwards. He said that it wasn't the first time; she ovviously needs charm school rather than whatever he's done so far as it obviously hasn't worked.
In the evening the women's group met at the other village bar for a grill on the patio. Lots of hilarity even though little Nicole came an hour late and complained that the non-meat option was finished. Will we ever get to having a sense of harmony within this group? Rounded off the evening with coffee at the bar.
25°, sun 

23.09.16: Catering for the Masses
Worked on the computer for a little while this morning before meeting up with Yasmin to go for a ride. Couldn't go too far with the AGM looming. Drove up to the hermitage St Féreol with its great views through 360°. We and the birds were the only  ones around. From there we continued our circuit through so many cork oaks that it's called "la Route du Liège". Ended up at the lake for a stroll and a bit of lunch. It's such a pleasure when good company, lovely scenery, tasty food and sunshine unite.
The AGM was well attended (over 120 of us) with no difficult questions being asked. Only complaint from one person was that the fidéua (made with vermacelli) had metamorphosed into a paella (same thing but made with rice). It was very good and at 8€pp for apéritif, starter of ham and melon, paella, cheese, dessert and wine, the cook could be forgiven for changing the recipe!
Stopped off at the bar on the way home for a refreshing cuppa as recompense for staying on to clear up.
25°, sunshine and high cloud

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