Thursday 1 September 2016

Cross Border Shopping

Had a committee meeting first thing and then went to the café for a coffee instead of briefly showing my face at the language exchange. Met Cecelia and Jim there who were enjoying little coconut cakes they'd bought in the market instead of the cereal etc that I bought in. Didn't linger too long as I was off again to the market in Figueres with Michel. Just did the fruit and veg part before meeting in the same place for the same lunch that we had last week.
Stopped to do a rapid supermarket shop in La Jonquera on the way back and spent the evening doing emails, watering the plants and watching tv while my guests were out at a BBQ. One of my emails was to New Zealand cousins as there was a costal tsunami alert after an underwater quake. A rapid reply came back that all was well .
34°, sun and a little white cloud

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