Monday 19 September 2016

3 Days, 3 Meals Out

19.9.16: Sore Feet, 3 New Cardies and a Winter Jacket
Didn't get to sleep until 4am this morning so decided to have an extra hour in bed instead of getting up and pounding the treadmill. I couldn't linger as long as I would have liked though as I had an association committee meeting at 9am to prepare for Friday's AGM.
Straight after that, Pauline and Penny came from the otherside of Perpignan to pick me up for our bi-annual  day's shopping in Figueres. Started at the big shopping mall just over the border where I bought a scarlet cardi and where we had coffee lounging in comfy seats on a sheltered terrace. By the time morning coffee was over, it was time to go in search of lunch which we had on the other side of Figueres. The restaurant has good reviews on Tripadvisor and came recommended by several people from the village. The food was great, well presented and the decor modern. All three of us just loved the taps in the loo with the water gently cascading over a disc into the basin. Sorry, my descriptive powers can't do it justice. Only thing was that the restaurant was quite noisy and the exterior was a housing estate so it didn't tick all the boxes but for a menu at 11€ including wine and water, far be it from me to be churlish.
Fortified, we hit the shops and the three of us came away with several bags as you can see from the photo taken at our last refreshment stop. Arrived home at 9pm, ate a bite of toast and slumped in front of the telly.
26° but feeling cooler in the wind
18.9.16: All a bit Clochemerle
Coffee with Nicole S and Lone was a quieter than usual affair as there was no Mass this morning. The parish is in between priests as the regular one who's been around for a number of years left suddenly. Rumour is that he's had a woman in his life who's just had a second child! Not me to pass comment.
In case you're wondering, the title of this post refers to a book by Gabriel Chevallier about French village life at the beginning of 20th century that was serialised by the Beeb. I was just a chit of a girl a the time but remember it being a hilarious satire on the Church and Politics.
My decision not to eat at the bar soon bit the dust as I didn't want to leave Nicole on her own. Just a main course was enough and even better there was no washing up to do.
23°, sun and strong wind

17.9.16: The Delights of Public Transport
Went to the market on the bus easily enough but not having checked the new timetable for the return journey, I missed the one at 11am (yes, if you remember that's the one I went for a few weeks ago only to find that it was running an hour later). Without me realising, it has reverted to the earlier time. Grrrrrrrrh!  The upshot of this long and tedious story was that there was a good dose of aimless wandering to do. There was almost a bright spot when a Belgian couple invited me to join them for a coffee but the conversation revolved around their dog who had been put down a couple of days ago and a blow by blow account of the woman's shoulder problems. Don't really know why I'm regaling you with such trivia except perhaps to elicit a bit of sympathy!
Learnt later that Nicole P had been there expecting to bump into me as had Lone who got on the wrong bus back and ended up hitching a ride back from a neighbouring village.
The evening was more fun with dinner chez Nicole S along with Anne and Nicole P and what a sunset.
21° feeling chilly in the wind

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