Sunday 26 February 2017

Enjoying a Drink

Decided to have our coffee à la picnic on the terrace of the café as it's still closed. Needless to say, we raised a few laughs though you wouldn't know it from Anne's face. She feels the cold in case you hadn't guessed!
Our tea party broke up at about 12.30pm with Anne and Nicole S going to their respective homes and me to meet up with Michèle, Henri and Martine to go over to Maçanet for a lunch organised to celebrate André and Nany's wedding anniversary. Gilles and Martine, Jackie and Bernard were also invited. Most people ate the house speciality of "morue", a salted cod and tomato dish. Even though it was desalinated, it was still too much for me. I had rabbit as much to show the French that Brits can eat it as anything else! Problem was that it wasn't very good. I did, however, enjoy the cava and red wine! Tomorrow the dry season starts
18°, sunny

Well, 3rd time lucky. Nicole S and I finally made it to Figueres. Started with a coffee and found Colin and Lynn from the village were in the café too. Small world. It was a real pleasure walking around the market in the sunshine. Only bought myself a black polo neck sweater, some fruit and veg.
Nicole fancied having a curry so I took her to one that I knew of near the station but had never tried .
The waiter said that we couldn't have the cheaper menu as it was Saturday but he relented when I said that we would go somewhere else. It made a nice change to eat curry even though it was nothing out of the ordinary.
Came home via La Jonquera where we stopped for a cup of tea and a bit of supermarket shopping.
Spent the evening watching box sets.
16°, sun, lighter winds

Appointment with the GP about a persistant infected big toenail; one that came off last year. The new medication she's prescribed involves being very absteemious drinkwise. Do I hear you say "so what?". What you don't realise is that it means no more glasses of rosé or cava for 3 months!!! Oh well, it won't do me any harm, I suppose. Decided not to start until Monday as I've a few things on this weekend.
Did a couple of hours making flowers and then walked up to Nicole S's for a cup of tea. She wasn't back from the hairdressers so I hung around until she arrived. What was worse, was,exceptionally I was without my ibook so I had to fill my time looking out over the garden from a sheltered spot. A cup of Earl Grey was most welcome, I can tell you especially as I didn't partake with the flower makers.
Apparently, the weekend away did her good as we didn't talk about the cat.
Tea over, we walked back into the village for a vernissage of one of the association's members. Proceeds from the sale of her paintings will be given to a Franco-Vietnamese association of which she and her husband who is half, French, half Vietnames are members.
Caught up with lots of people especially Linde and Kathy with whom I went for a glass of wine at the bar. Only stayed for one drink but still didn't get to bed until 3am.
16°, strong winds, feeling chilly

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