Thursday 23 February 2017

Film, Flowers and Friends

No committee meeting this morning as I was told to expect the builders who were coming to do the insulation between the cave and the first floor. Needless to say they didn't arrive at 8.30am but at 11am so there would have been time to go anyway.
As the café is closed while they get on with the extension into the building next door, I didn't go in search of the language exchangers. Terry and Ann however, called around for a coffee.
This evening, I went with the neighbours to see "La Saison des Femmes", Hindi film (French subtitles) which was being shown by the local film club. 4 Rajastani women's struggle to overcome, violence and tradition in a patriarchal society, its title in English is "Parched". Be you male or female it's well worth watching; prepare yourself to be angry and humbled in equal measures. Despite finding it difficult, I found it uplifting as well. See if you do too
On coming home, the eight of us piled into Jacques' for a drink and a debrief.
18°, sun followed by cloud

Went up to the French conversation class to deliver something and found them happily chatting away over coffee and was told that they were later celebrating the birth of a great grandchild with champagne.Well, of course, I stayed on!
Flower making again this afternoon. The noise with all the chat was so deafening that Nicole P and I went for a cup of tea at the bar to wind down. Who'd have thought that making paper flowers could be stressful.Tea became a glass of wine later on when Jean-Jacques stopped by to say "hello"
18°, sun

Spanish group this afternoon after which I went to book an appointment with the dentist. This photo was taken as I came out of the surgery. Pretty, isn't it?
17°, sun 

Electrics continue. Computer problems continue; internet cutting out and losing work.. Did my Spanish homework and generally foutered around.
16°, sun

Sunday coffee with Nicole P and Anne and each of us had a moan about the way our missing "copine" behaves in such a self-centred way. So, it's not just me. Lunch followed at the bar where we were joined by Gilles and Martine. Later on, Nicole came around to hold my hand while I booked my train ticket and stayed for tea.

Nicole S decided to benefit from a lift with Jacques to Toulouse to see her cousin rather than go to Figueres as arranged. Luckily, Jacques had put me in the picture; Nicole hadn't thought to say. Went instead to the market with Michel.

Coffee in the bar, flower making, tea in the bar, tv at home
17° sun is back

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