Wednesday 8 February 2017

Game of Chance

Another day of strong winds, open doors and Sauveur busying himself switching the electricity on and off. Should say, however, he's very polite and considerate and never switches off without warning me.
Went to make paper flowers this afternoon where I was joined by Yaneth and Lisa. It's all hands on deck as there are still thousands to make. Think I told you that the theme is Casino Royale; here's a photo of the back of a face card.
I had thought to have a quiet night at home but Nicole S telephoned to say that her cat is not well and the vet isn't sure that he can save it. She is overly attached to her cat, so a major catastrophy is looming. I armed myself with a torch and walked over to hers to chat and listen. It was about 11pm when I made the 10 minute walk back but didn't meet a soul.
12°, sun and very strong winds

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