Thursday 16 February 2017

Lazy Days and Wet Weather

Language exchange and a drink in the bar before going home for lunch and to play with my new toys (tablet and chromecast, if you've missed previous posts) Sad, isn't it? Still can't be on the go all the time.
15°, rain has stopped but very overcast

Took the bus into town and met Françoise for coffee. Flower making in the afternoon
14° heavy rain

Met Nicole P for coffee and did some catching up on the blog.
14° heavy rain

The builders (4 of them) arrived to start insulating the cave. With the doors wide open to the rain, damp and cold, a blanket over the knees is the order of the day. Computer still disconnecting which is driving me crazy but rather than try and find a solution I'm just reconnecting and getting frustrated. Must address the problem  or get Michel to help me out.
Was just settling down to an evening of telly under my blanket when Nicole phoned to say that she wanted to come over as the cat had been put down. Can't help thinking that it should have been done when the first vet said it should be done a week ago. Six days under the care of another vet at his surgery plus all the medication and the drip etc, won't have been cheap and to what end. Yes, ok, Nicole can  tell herself that she left no stone unturned.
I did not talk "cat" but opened the bottle of cava she brought, heated  a bowl of soup and played Ken Loach's film "The Angels' Share".
If you're wondering about the photo, it was taken in a distillery where we'd learnt about the "angels' share" was the 2% evaporation of the whisky occurinng during maturation.
14°, cloud, torrential rain (amber alert), chilly

It rained all night and continued during the day. There was only Nicole S of our group at the bar for coffee but we were later joined by Nany who'd heard that we'd played charades the other Sunday and wanted to give it a go. Nicole and I resisted her invitation to join Gilles, Martine, Michèle, André and Henri for lunch as we were only having a snack. Of course, Nicole wanted to talk "cat" and despite my few pearls of wisdom she continues to talk herself into a deep hole of sadness. Can't (well to be honest, I'm not trying to) understand how someone with a well filled life, no health nor money worries, can put so much emotional dependence on an animal that will never live as long as they will. I can do genuine empathy but on top of her other neroses, it's all too much naval gazing and "poor mes" for me. There are far worse things to deal with. Nicole P has already lost patience with her after spending a whole evening listening to cat talk so it's not just me being a fair weather friend. Well, at least I hope not! I did say that she should come and watch a film and have a bit of company if and more likely, when the worst happens.
Actually did a bit of cooking in the afternoon in between watching tv and reading. Am now on No 4 of the Women's Murder Club series.
Reading this post after going on about a friend who's in crisis, my afternoon was so banal. Still, as Christian would say, "personne est parfaite!"
14°, heavy cloud, heavy rain

Today, I decided not to go to the market with Michel but to have a laze; first in bed (up at 1pm) and then on the settee with a bar of chocolate and a pot of tea to hand.
12°, cloudy at first, heavy rain in the afternoon

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