Tuesday 7 February 2017

Food and Friends Cure All Frustrations

Getting dizzy with Sauveur running up and downstairs doing then checking the lights all day and feeling cold with the doors inevitably being left open. And while I'm in moaning mood ... why do workers never switch off lights and why is my computer still cutting out?
An invitation to JJ's for a drink with Yaneth, Jacques and Lisa who have just arrived from Paris was a most welcome pick-me-up but that's not all. There was a wee gift of herbs all the way from Colombia where Yaneth hails from and a place at the table for dinner as well. Nothing to moan about there.
16°, sun, cloud, light showers

Escaped the electrical work by having coffee with Nicole P over at the bar. In the afternoon, tried to do some work on the computer now that I've managed to plug it in but there's a new problem. The blessed thing keeps losing it's internet connection which means that I'm merrily typing away and the cursor goes on walkabout. I'm no touch typist so I don't reaslise that what I'm typing is not appearing on the page. 😒
The plumber coming to mend a leak, Dominic to fill the gaps under the eves to stop the wasps nesting as they did last year and Sauveur to do the electrics was a surprisingly welcome respite from my technology frustrations.
Jean and Françoise popped in for a quick drink with the flowers that Jean had been unable to give me on Saturday as I'd gone from the café by the time he came back.
It was then my turn to be waited on at the bar where I met Ann, Dani and Lynn for our monthly apérobio.
12°, sun and very strong winds

None of my usual friends were in the bar for coffee but there were other women to talk to while I waited for a lift over to Michelle and Henri's for their celebratory birthday lunch. There were 8 of us in total and we started with champagne at their house; then it was up to the restaurant for a very good lunch. I had scallops, followed by vension and we all had a dessert of "Baked Alaska" decorated by giant sparklers. Nany invited us back to their house at 7pm to help eat up one of those lovely dried ham joints that you see hanging up in delis. Tempting as it was, I was just too comfortable on the settee in the warm so I gave it a miss and stayed home to quietly watch tv. Even though I've been here a long time, it's still surprisingly tiring speaking, listening and trying to understand in French.
12°, cloud, occasional showers and strong winds

Went into the market with Michel and Brigitte, a friend he's not seen for 37 years, who's staying with him. Met Hortense and had coffee with Françoise then off to the supermarket before getting the bus back. Spent another afternoon in the kitchen preparing dinner for JJ, Jacques, Brigitte (Michel was playing at a gig) Hans (German) and Marie-Madeleine.
On the menu:
canapés in front of the open fire
fish pie (http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/smokedhaddockfishpie_81401) adapted to use extra white fish and hard boiled eggs as in the Jamie Oliver recipe
cheese, of course
Bavarian apple cake and fromage frais
coffee and armagnac
17°, warm and sunny

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