Friday 10 February 2017

Thank Yous and Goodbyes

Wrapped up well as even though the sun was shining and the wind was less strong, it was still chilly. Nicole P and I headed off to Perpignan with Gilles and Martine for a guided tour of the "new" parts organised for the Association by Françoise. Those coming on the bus were late joining us as they were held up by the Police. Several people had their cartons of cigarettes confiscated as they had more than the maximum of two. The need to eliminate illegal commerce obviously outweighs cross-border freedoms. Now there's a surprise! At least during the wait, I was able to buy a couple of things that I wanted.
Walked for an interesting 1h30 and then went for lunch in a very reasonable Lebanese restaurant, "Les Délices de Liban"; buffet style, the cold dishes were excellent, the hot ones less so. Plenty of choice with a drink, coffee or mint tea for 16€. Can't grumble at that.
Rather than rush up to the flower making, I stayed home and did nothing useful. until it was time to prepare for Mike and Linda's leaving do.
Mike and Linda are returning to UK after about 13 years of living here. Mike has been active in the Association, so there was a big turn out. The Mayor gave a speech as did our Vice President (the President being on a Caribbean cruise) and Mike, who needless to say, was as moved as he dared allow.
I had to leave after about 30 minutes to go for dinner at JJ's.
It was funny to note that the men around the table were called Jean, Jacques (2) and Jean-Jacques! We, women were more original; Danièle, Maeva, Lisa, Yaneth, Françoise. Our origins were widespread too. Catalan, French, Sicilian, Colombian and British.
Don't know exactly what I was doing/trying to work out/searching for/downloading on the tablet but I didn't
go up to bed until 5am!
12°, sun but chilly even though the wind

Was able to escape early from the language exchange in order to meet Hortense and Bridget for lunch. Michel happened to pass by as I waited for the bus in a cold wind so I arrived in good time and was 1€ better off! Not to mention of course, having the opportunity to catch up on his friend's visit. Won't go into details but she's changed in the 37 years since they've seen each other.
Had a pleasant lunch in a restaurant on the "zone d'activité"; plenty of laughs, and a good dose of networking.
Hortense drove me back to the village for a meeting at the Mairie with those resposible on a Departmental level for the Téléthon, who wanted to thank everyone for their splendid effort in raising over 17,000€. Best per capita score in the Pyrénées Orientales. Not that we're competitive! Those at the table are the events organisers ; the rest of us were squashed out of view. Of course it was followed by a table laden with good things to eat and drink.
Back home with enough time to get my act together for the meeting later on about the Scotland visit. It went well even though my head was spinning with trying to keep a bit of order during the proceedings. At least everyone is now assured that the water is safe to drink!
The two Nicoles, Jacques and myself retired to the bar afterwards for a bottle of cava after which the latter invited us to his place for another. Somehow we agreed to go to Figueres next Saturday to soak up the atmosphere and eat tapas. Une belle vie, n'est-ce pas?
12°, sun, strong winds cold night

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