Friday 23 April 2010

Father and Son

Well, it can't be sunny everyday. Temperatures have dropped (14°) and the fleece has come in handy. Wandered around the old fortified town, that man Vauban again and this time there were at least some shops open, not that we bought anything. Had lunch just outside the walls and we were the only people in the restaurant. In the evening we went to the wee bar next to Stéphane's for an apéro. I'm sure that there aren't many left like this one where the bar is actually in the landlady's kitchen. Ginette is nearly 80 and still going strong. Dorothee, on the other hand, was out for the count with a heavy cold so I suggested that Christian and Stéphane have some father and son time together over a meal while I finished off my book.

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