Friday 2 April 2010

Good Friday

Unlike in UK, today is not a Bank Holiday so with Michel and Kathy coming for dinner there was shopping to do and with Thérèse on holiday, a kitchen to clean. Jean called in to say hello during the afternoon and stayed for a cuppa . In the evening there was the vernissage of this month's exhibition mounted by a young painter from Girona. The formalities were conducted in both French and Catalan with the Mayor doing the translation.
For once there was no talk of the Mairie over dinner. Pork done in Ricard with enough rice to feed a family of 10 followed by Lemon Iced Ginger Cake and Greek yogurt. During the meal I broke a tooth which inevitably I can' keep my tongue away from. Michel who is a friend of the dentist will try and get him to see me tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

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