Friday 30 April 2010

Keep Smiling

The weather is on the change. The day started off fine then clouded over bringing some rain and a drop in temperature. 19° here feels much colder than 19° in Briançon. The dentist fitted my crown today and I coughed up 585€ for the priviledge. Still, my smile is once more a broad one which came in handy when our neighbour Jacques appeared at the door with a lily of the valley plant. Some of you may remember that it is traditional to give them for the 1st May. Spent the afternoon catching up with the blog while Christian has been at the Mairie for most of the day and now tonight he has a public meeting up which could well be a bumpy one, in his fiefdom.
Ps Christian arrived home after 10pm and lo and behold, all had gone well.

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