Thursday 15 April 2010

Quick Catch Up

Nothing extrodinary has happened so far this week socially. Christian's had three evening meetings at the Mairie in a row and I'm still going for dental treatment. Linde came round with a present of some Indonesian coffee having just come back from working there and stayed for an apéritif. Thursday I cut the language exchange to go with Christian to see Josette as it was her birthday (84). We made it back in time to meet up with the others for tapas in the bar. After three days of dull, (there was even rain on Monday) not very warm weather, it was warm enough to sit outside. In the evening we took Trevor and Maggie to the wine bar and munched our way through a selection of tapas.
On the wider front we found that our health insurance demand included a supplement for the swine flu vaccaine which was bought in great quantities and not used. Wonder what we'll need to pay for next year we've had chickens and pigs so far; maybe it's an antidote for politicians and pharmaceutical companies that should be next. ....and of course, there's the volcanic cloud that's descending all over Europe throwing aviation transport into chaos. we're told that the particles floating about in the air are not harmful .... as if!

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