Sunday 25 April 2010

Freedom to Enjoy

This time last year I was running around daft with fingers crossed that all would go well for the St Jordi's day that I was organising; this year I was able to enjoy being a spectator! The day started well with sunshine and a quick trip to the dentist - yes, even on a Sunday and was followed by another ceremony this time for those people deported during the 2WW. I guess by now you're beginning to get to know our calendar but maybee loose track of all the different commemorations. Only hope that you're not thinking "same old, same old". There was of course an apéritif, this time at the Mairie instead of the village hall as the road over there is being dug up and ironically resembles a battlefield. Finally made it to the St Jordi celebrations for lunch at the bar where a medieval menu was being served. Helped out at the Association's cake stall in the afternoon and ended the day with a couple of glasses of rosé with Martine, Maggie and Jeanine.

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