Thursday 22 April 2010


As Stéphane was at work, we don't ski and Christian doesn't walk we were at a bit of a loose end. Finally decided to go to Mont Roy where Vauban, he who built fortresses all around France for Louis 14th, had been at work. I suppose with this being more or less the last week for skiing we shouldn't have been surprised that the place was desserted. It's certainly well preserved and since last year has been recognised by UNESCO as a heritage site but there was nothing open. It would have been nice to eat up there as the views were magnificent instead we settled for a road side hotel which in contrast was heaving with workers in for lunch. They did an all-in meal for 13.50€ and very good it was too. A little snooze for Christian and a good book for me took care of the early part of the afternoon. If you come across "The Book Thief", do read it. Original in both concept and style. This photo was taken by a small lake where we stopped for a cup of tea and a stroll before getting back for a BBQ cooked by Léo and Yohann.

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