Friday 30 September 2011


Most of the day was spent preparing for the Association's AGM this evening. Mostly it went well apart from someone going home in a huff because we needed to be reminded to thank her for her help. Oh dear! It was all a bit over the top and I almost regretted having put myself up for re-election!
The meal was fine (outside caterer) but nothing special.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Could do Better

Committee meeting followed by the language exchange though we didn't go for the usual apéritif in the bar as there was shopping to do over the border. as it was a lovely sunny day we decided to have lunch at Can Nadal where we hadn't been there for a long time. It was disappointing. We had hoped that it might have refound the quality that we experienced when we first went there but it didn't and it certainly it doesn't live up to Mas Salelles.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Food with a View

These last two days have been spent making chutney therefore there wasn't time to do more than put the foie gras that Joséphine bought for us in Samatan in the freezer. in the evening David and Laura took us up to a refuge up in the mountains for dinner. It was warm enough to eat out and the views were spectacular. Only blot on the landscape was a table of Brits who tried to get into conversation with us but we slung them a deafie! One of them had rather loudly told us that he was a retired vet so I presume that the slice of ham that his wife wrapped up in a napkin was for a pet waiting patiently at home.
During the meal we learnt that it was David and Laura's anniversary the next day so we finished off the evening chez nous with a bottle of champagne.

Monday 26 September 2011

20 Year's Later

20 year's ago today the sun shone on us as we walked down to the registry office to tie the knot. Today, was also a sunny day and pleased to say, we're still happy together. Marked the day with a good lunch out. What else?
Called into Juste and Joséphine's on the way back and ended the day with apéritifs chez Jean-Jacques and Michelle along with the 3rd Musketeer.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Almost Important!

Normally we would have gone with the Association to the Foie Gras market in Samatan today but as Christian was on the substitutes bench for the village's "grands electeurs" he had to stay home by the telephone in case he was needed to help elect the new senators. In the end his services were not needed so it was a quiet lazy day for us both.

Saturday 24 September 2011


Finally made it to the market and finally caught up with Jacques and Yaneth before they head back to Paris. While having coffee at the bar, there was a procession of traditional Catalan giants accompanied by a band of musicians. A little while later the skies opened and the rain came down in abundance.

Friday 23 September 2011

An Excuse to Eat!

Yesterday passed predictably with Christian at the Mairie and me at an association committee meeting and language exchange. We came together at the bar for aglass of wine and ate left-overs for lunch.
Today was another story, it being "la Journée de la Gastronomie". We had lunch al fresco, opting for the more expensive menu. The food was good but at the end of the day, not worth the extra amount of money that we paid.
In the evening there was a very low-key vernissage at the Mairie which was part of a series of exhibitions and concerts being held in several villages in our valley.
There was of course, an apéritif afterwards after which we stopped on to help clear up.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Food for Friends

The sun came back yesterday and an engineer came out to fix the telephone. We didn't hang around this time hoping for it to sort itself out so normal sevice was soon resumed.
We had organised for Jacques and Yaneth to come for dinner but at the last moment they cancelled so luckily Juste and Joséphine were able to come and weren't in the least bit offended about standing in.
The Beetroot Houmous and the Almond Apple Cake were a first and I was well pleased with the result so they'll be featuring on future menus.
One or two people have mentioned that it would be good to have the recipes that I've talked about. I'm not sure about the legality of including the actual recipe on the site but here are the links:
Beetroot Humous
(makes loads)
Red Pepper Soup with Paprika (serves 4)
Thai Salmon with Noodles
Almond Apple Cake

Yum, yum

Monday 19 September 2011

Boules at the Ready

Yesterday was quiet, calm and wet so we spent the day quietly recovering. Today dawned brighter but cool in the wind. 16 of us from the Association gathered at the local campsite for a boules match. All went well, no one complained about the meal so I went home relieved.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Bring Out the Finery

No market this morning as we needed to get ready for Ben and Sandrine's wedding to which Gina, and Joséphine gave us a lift. The mairie first followed by the church but as Ben's parents are atheist, we went with them for a coffee during the religious bit. The weather was menacing so instead of the "Vin d'honneur" being al fresco up in the mountains we all gathered in the local village hall. A fizz cocktail and a generous spread of delicious canapés. Came back to the village and went to the bar where the ever hungry Christian had omlette and chips. We three just looked on

Friday 16 September 2011

More Sightseeing

Had a pretty drive home in the sun, visiting Rupit on the way. A really charming village which can be accessed by a swing bridge. Had a late lunch at Mas Salelles which was as good as ever. This evening Christian had a Council meeting so life was quickly back to normal.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Happy Tourists

First of all, a leisurely breakfast then off to explore Vic where Christian replaced the wedding ring he'd lost when he'd lost weight. Visited Estany, a pretty village followed by lunch in a down - to - earth hostal. A snooze in the shade, another picturesque drive and back to prepare ourselves for the gastronomic menu.
Instead of the glass of fizz that we'd ordered, a bottle came and it didn't even appear on the bill. The chef had worked with Ferran Adriá and the meal was delicious.
Eel with a Grape reduction
Langustines and Scallops
King Prawns with a Potato and Sausagemeat Galette
Suckling Pig with Grilled Aubergine
Marquise de Chocolat with Crème catalane Ice Cream

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Us Time

I'm actually writing this on 24th October and I know at least two people have been wondering what's been happening. Sorry to have left you in the dark ... we're fine, just been busy being busy! Just read on and all will be revealed sooner or later depending on how much of everyday life gets in the way. ...........................................................................................................
Mum and Maureen left for the airport this morning but not before we had one last coffee in the bar. Got them checked in without a problem, though we found out later than they each went home with the other's passort!
Then it was time for us to have an early celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary (there you are Sheila, the answer to your question). A leisurely lunch in St Coloma de Farnes, a short drive away from the airport and we weren't disappointed. The weather was lovely and sunny and the drive to our hotel on windy roads was beautiful.
The hotel just outside Vic was full of character, the people were charming and the bedroom which had a balcony overlooking the garden, was spacious and reminiscent of Art Nouveau. We'd chosen it via the internet for it's "look" and promise of good food. The chairs in the dining room were seats from an old cinema and when conversation flagged, there were plenty of other interesting things to look at. We had the menu of the day which was far from run of the mill, so we started with a glass of fizz (funnily enough a Blanquette de Limoux was on offer rather than cava) and moved on to...
Escalivada Soup with Truffle Oil
Sliced Iberic Ham with Asparagus
Slow Cooked Beef
Tarte Tatin
We couldn't leave it there so decided to finish off with a liquer.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Fresh Air Food

Just for a change rather than go to the restaurant at lunch time we had a picnic up in the mountains. It was even cool and the views were just magnificent. In the early evening Christian had a Council meeting and we waited patiently at home in front of an apéritif before going to the local bar for a meal afterwards. Mum's treat.

Monday 12 September 2011

Opening Day

A new bar/restaurant owned by a local caterer with a very good reputation opened today near our local supermarket . Thought we should check it out at lunch time. Purpose built with a superb view, the food was good and not expensive. Pity it's only open during the day but I suppose despite the view not everyone wants to eat out at a commercial centre! Still, it will be handy when we want to do the shopping and eat simply at the same time.
In the evening Jean and Françoise came round for a bbq but after the sausage was done but before we could cook the chicken, the gas died on us! Luckily the electric grill in the kitchen was working and all ended well.

Sunday 11 September 2011

At a Slower Pace

While Mum and Maureen went to Mass, we went to the bar for a coffee and not wanting to miss out on their daily fix of either Muscat or Banyuls, they came to join us once they'd breakfasted on the croissants that Christian had bought them. No, they weren't a Sunday treat, he's been getting them everyday. No wonder Mum thinks he's a nice guy! Believe it or not, we ate at home this lunch time 'confit de canard'. All this activity meant that a siesta was called for before we could think of going out again. As you can see from the photo, the weather wasn't as bright as it has been so we just went to the lake and had a stroll around, stopping near the restaurant on the way by to watch a tea dance in progress. Another apéro in the bar before eating at home. Please note, that's twice in one day!

Saturday 10 September 2011

Home Grown Tourists

Another crowded market day and after getting our two charges fixed up with fans, Christian and I left them to their own devices. We wandered around the town like tourist's and like tourists we had our photo taken in front of the fountain. Mum and Maureen didn't manage to get lost so arrived at the appointed time at the bar for an apéritif. Weather still warm and sunny so we decided to go the restaurant of a nearby campsite and eat there rather than come home and cook. Another reason was that the Association is having a game of boules and lunch there soon so it meant that I could finalise a few details at the same time. rest in the afternoon and a wee stroll before the inevitable apéro at the bar, completed the day.

Friday 9 September 2011

A Day Off?

Christian had a day off, well from the Mairie any way, to go out with his household of women. First stop was Capmany to stock up on Cava to take to baby Isla's christening.
From there we stopped off in Vilajuïga for coffee in the tourist centre which always seems to have more staff than visitors. Christian and Maureen bought matching baseball caps and well pleased they were with them too. They weren't quite Queen Mumish enough for Mum but she did borrow Christian's for this photo with St Jacques, the notable pilgrim. There are several pilgrim routes from southern France and Spain that end up in St Jacques de Compostella in NW Spain and Rick Stein featured it recently on his cook's tour of Spain which is more my thing. Stéphane, Christian's son has also done the route from Avignon but he and his friends unlike Rick were not in a VW camper van but with a couple of camels. He's not even a christian but I suppose it was good excercise.
We had our own marvelling to do as we drove through magnificent scenery down to Cadaquez where Dali spent a lot of his time with his wife Gala. The weather being just glorious meant that the town was busy so we carried on to Cap Creus where we had breathtaking views over a beautiful blue sea. There's a restaurant and bar serving simple food so we plonked ourselves down on the terrace and gazed out to the horizon.
It's all a fairly long drive so we stopped on the way back in Llança for a wee stroll along the sea front and rewarded ourselves with some pretty large ice creams.
Once home we unloaded the car, had a short break and wandered around to the bar for an apéritif and some more sunshine.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Check Up

Gave the Association a miss this morning although I did take Mum and Maureen along to the bar to meet up with everyone at lunch time. Christian had an appointment with the cardiologist this afternoon and he was pleased to note that things were better than he'd hoped. The leak has not become any worse and his heart is less enlarged so that was good news.
Had a wander around the town ending up in the bar for coffe for us and ice cream for Mum and Maureen. This evening after feeding them on pizza we left the two of them to their own devices as we were invited to a farewell do for Nickolai at Juste and Joséphine's. Have to say that our meal was a lot more interesting! Another very late night after which our hosts will have to take a trip to the bottle bank.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Double Trouble

Mum and Maureen arrived at Girona airport this afternoon having had a trouble free flight. Did a wee bit of food shopping on the way back as it's not so easy to wing it when there 4 mouths to feed. Toddled along to the bar for an apéritif and to enjoy the evening sun after they'd settled in to their usual rooms. Just hope that they'll be able to deal with the temperatures that are in store for us (30°+)

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Sponsors Needed!

Christian had his usual meeting at the Mairie this evening and I went along to a meeting where I started my sponsorship of a young Congolese woman. The aim is to enable 14 young women to get a secondary education because needless to say it's the boys with in the family who normally benefit. just a small way of valourising women and hopefully helping to lay a foundation for the future. We've already had a couple of local and national grants , have direct links with an association in DRC and are sure that the money will go to where it is meant to. Christian put his hand in his pocket too and gave a donation so if any of you, dear readers, feel the same way inclined, please let me know!.

Monday 5 September 2011

Nature's Glory

Once again it's the first Monday of the month so after a fairly quiet day with only a "go" on the treadmill to liven it up we drove up into the mountains for Christian's surgery. He spent a lonely couple of hours while I went to catch up with Annette and admire the passionflower growing around her front door.
Having eaten in the restaurant yesterday we just headed home afterwards for a snack and a bit of telly.

Sunday 4 September 2011

Milieu Artistique

There was more rain over night so it was a little cooler this morning. As we were to have lunch with a number of others (15) up in the mountains we decided to go a little earlier and have coffee in a little village over the border. Lunch was in honour of Nicholai, the Roumanian artist and there were three other artists in the company. Before lunch there was an apéritif in Eric and Kathy's garden just down the road from the restaurant. There was also the possibilty to look around his studio. Lunch was good, as usual and as usual I had the duck. Then it was back to the house for coffee and petit fours in the garden, accompanied by Jean and Michel on acoustic and electric guitar.
Once home, Christian settled down to a much needed siesta and I watched some catch-up telly interspersed with thoughts of trying a bit harder to lose those 2 kilos that have crept around my middle. Wish me luck!

Saturday 3 September 2011


Despite feeling tired after two nights of merrymaking, there was no let up today. The market in the morning after washing up all night's glasses. Met Joséphine and had an apéritif and were persuaded (without much effort) to go back to hers to have a pot luck lunch. It's been really hot and humid and at last some rain came down as we sat on their terrace tucking into pork chops and tomato salad. It didn't last for long but at least it was enought to save watering the plants.
In the evening were invited by our neighbours to join them at a Rugby League match in Perpignan where the Catalan Dragons were playing Hull Kingston Rovers. Sylvie works for the city's Mayor and from time to time gets the chance of complementary tickets for various events. There were 9 of us altogether icluding our Mayor. The weather was perfect, the atmosphere good natured and our seats were the best. The Chairman and main sponsor of the club was next to us as was the President of the Conseil Général. A bit of hob-knobbing for us wee country bumpkins. Pity the Dragons lost 32-30, a better score than we might have expected after the first 15 minutes. I know it's a bit clichéd but the ref made some very odd decisions against the Dragons but we would say that wouldn't we?
After the match we went into the city centre where we had a table reserved for us at the club's official bar on the Quai Vauban. About 300 of us were there for an apéritif followed by a three course meal accompanied by live music. Once again we said to ourselves that we should spend a night in Perpignan every now and then.
On the way home we were stopped by the Gendarmes in a routine alcohol check but thankfully André was not over the limit. Our first experience of Rugby League was a great experience and there's even the promise of the possibility of a Rugby Union match. It just goes to show that it's not who you are, it's who you know.

Friday 2 September 2011

A Better End to the Week

Oh dear, the computer was down for four days but thank goodness we were able to pick up our messages at the bar which has a wifi connection. Thursday 3 people from the service provider team came out to fix it. Not quite sure what they were all doing but we were told that call outs weren'talways so top heavy.
Spent the afternoon checking over an English translation as a favour for someone that I don't even like. The evening was much more fun as Margaret, Izzy, Richard, David and Laura came around for something to eat. All pretty easy; Margaret brought the starter (serrano wrapped asparagus), Laura brought the dessert (an oh so light "forgotten cake" which I must get the recipe for) and we fired up the barbeque and kept the glasses topped up. It was a late night so the clearing up had to wait.
Friday evening there was a great turn out for the latest vernissage at the museum. The artist came from Roumania especially. Of course there was an apéritif but there was also music. The evening continued chez nous with take-away pizza, more music from Jean, Michel and Pierre on an up turned wooden wine case. Another late night and more bottles for the recycling!