Saturday 31 December 2011

Seeing the Sights

Made a relatively leisurely start in warm sunshine by taking a taxi to the central market which was a gourmet's paradise. Did quite a bit of walking through interesting streets, taking in several churches and small squares. Of course lunch had to be either paella or black rice and even though the guide books say that the paellas in Valencia itself aren't so good, we had no complaints. Sadly being a Saturday, there was no menú del dia so we had to pay the full whack!
In the evening, after apéritifs we went out in search of somewhere to eat but more out of obligation than desire. We had the choice of either Chinese or the little bar in the apartment block but as none of us was particularly hungry, we opted to see the New Year in, in the flat where foie gras, champagne and other nice bits and pieces kept us going until about 2am.

Friday 30 December 2011

Early Pick Up

As we did our packing yesterday there wasn't too much to do before collecting Juste and Joséphine at 9.30am. The day was sunny and the drive trouble free apart from me forgetting to make my tourist notes about Valencia readable in Dropbox offline. If you don't know about Dropbox, look it up on Google, it's a great wee application ... when it's used properly! I half remembered the name of a restaurant in Vinarós which had good write-ups but didn't hold out much hope of finding it. Well, luck sometimes comes to call and would you believe it, it was right in front of us when we came out of the underground car park! The menú del dia at 13€ was good value especially as our budgets didn't run to the gambas which the town is famed for. Apparently, they're the best in all Spain. A stroll down to the beach after lunch and then our destination, Valencia was only 1½ hours away.
It was easy to find the appartment, complete with security gates and conceierge with the GPS and we were soon settled in. After a snack it was out to stretch the legs with a walk to see the nearby futuristic architecture of the City of Arts and Sciences. Called into an Andalucian bar (where Juste was able to reminisce and dream of retiring to Cadiz) for a night cap of beer for the men and hot chocolate for Joséphine and myself.

Thursday 29 December 2011

Gone at Last!

There is now no clutter in the cave ... the books have been returned to their rightful owner. Philippe's new house has lots of character and is tucked away up among the vines with great views over the plain and down to Collioure. We were well fed and spent a pleasant evening without touching on any sensitive subjects. Given that we're making an early start tomorrow and Philippe was starting to get sleepy after a hard day tending his cows, we didn't linger too long before we zig-zagged back down to 'civilisation'.

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Slowing Down

Haven't had a lot of energy to do anything too taxing. Christian's been to the Mairie a couple of times. We went to see Josette on Monday afternoon for tea when lo and behold, Philippe arrived with his new partner. We've been invited over to his new house in Collioure for dinner so it will be a great opportunity to finally reunite him and his books that have been in our cave for a number of years now.
Last night Juste and Joséphine came around for something to eat , Spicy Indian Quails which is a delicious recipe from Josceline Dimbleby, followed by Delia's winter dried fruit compote made with port. There's a recipe on the internet for her "Red Quail Curry"which is essentially the same apart from the spinach and hard boiled eggs that were added at the end in the version that I used.
Delia's recipe underneath doesn't use the port but is otherwise the same. you can easily adapt it to what ever you have in the cupboard. I didn't have any figs so threw in some dried cranberries and added star anise. If you're a non-alcohol person Delia suggests using cold Earl Grey tea. I know which I'll go for!

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Christmas Cheer

Once again our street has done it's bit to create a bit of festive cheer and what a lovely surprise, we all received a certificate from the local after-school centre for the best decorated street in the village!

Sunday 25 December 2011

More Food and Drink!

A lovely sunny day with clear, blue skies and a not too clear head. A slow start to the day was in order with just enough time to phone close family to wish them a 'Very Merry Christmas" before going up to Annette's for apéritifs. After that it was lunch at the local auberge in the mountains where there was foie gras, capon or venison on the menu. There were 9 of us altogether, all Brits except Christian! Came back to ours for champagne and Christmas cake followed by a quiet night!

Noël 2011

Wishing all our family, friends and anyone else who happens to stumble across this post, " a Very Happy Stress-free, Fun-filled Festive Season"

Saturday 24 December 2011

Révillion 2011

As you probably know by now, the main Christmas meal in France is eaten on Christmas Eve. Chez nous was no exception. there were 6 of us around the table, those wee souls without family within visiting distance. As I couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to cook we ordered a meal from a local "traiteur" (no, not a take-away, a caterer, if you please!) and very good it was too. The evening progressed as follows:
Cosmopolitan (in memory of our friend David, to whom, we raised our glasses) and not too many canapés
Oysters (merci, Martine)
Pain de Saumon et colin doré au four accompagné de sa crème ciboulette
Aspic au bloc de frois gras et son pain cacoa
Lotte à la américaine et sa timbale de riz
Chapon sauce forestière aux girolles et son Écrasé de pomme de terre à la truffe
Cheese Board (merci, Maggie & Trevor)
Buche de Noël (merci, Jacques)
All this was accompanied by white wine, red wine and champagne.
Finally made it to bed at 3.15am.

Friday 23 December 2011

Glasgow Wine

Today we cashed in out first Groupon voucher which gave us a deal on 6 bottles of red wine called "Charles Rennie McIntosh". The cave was the other side of Perpignan so with bonnets and gloves on we lowered the hood on the car and enjoyed the blue skies and sun on our faces. On the way back we stopped off in Argelès for a walk to make the most of the day. I think Groupon will push us to do things that we wouldn't otherwise have been bothered to do so that can only be good. All you have to do is a bit of home work to make sure the deal is as good as it's made out to be.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Helping Out

Michel invited us to his place for lunch to help finish the leftovers from a Russian Meal that he had done the night before. Needless to say, we were happy to oblige!

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Three Score Years and Ten

Yes, it was Jean's 70th today so we took him and Françoise to Mas Salelles for a good meal and then went over to the lake in Darnius. The water level was really high, covering what is usually a carpark and Jean couldn't resist a paddle. The winter light was wonderful and I managed to take some atmospheric looking pictures. Despite there being no one around, the café was open so after a short walk we had tea outside on the terrace. Came home for a drink before they headed off home and we headed to Anne and Ian's for a carols, drinks and nibbles.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Women in the News

A major scadnal has hit the news here in France about leaking breast implants; Not only do they leak but the silicone inside is of industrial quality so it's hardly surprising that there are women wanting answers. There is an international arrest warrant out for the boss as company no longer functions and he is nowhere to be found. The Governement has said that the 30,000 women in France who have them can have them removed on the National Health Service but in Uk apparently, there is no such action being advised. Shades of Holby City
There's also a diplomatic incident brewing between France and Turkey as a law criminalising the negation of the Armenian Genocide between 1915 and 1923 is about to be passed.
The other sad news is that the funeral of that great singer Cesaria Evora takes place today. If you don't know her music you should look her up on You Tube. (Photo from Wikipedia)

Monday 19 December 2011

Happy Feet

The weather is chilly today and even though the skies are blue i wasn't tempted to venture forth. Christian has not been walking well recently due to a horrid corn that was finally dealt with today. He also went to see the Gp for repeat prescription and wasn't lectured just told that he knows what he has to do; knowing and doing are two different things of course!

Sunday 18 December 2011

Catalan Festivities

It was a bit chilly this morning so the hot chocolate which was on offer was most welcome. Started off with Caga Tio which is a log that when hit by the children disgorges sweets. It was then followed by fifes, drums and shots from an old traditional Catalan gun called a “ trabuc” which heralded the human towers. The little kids on the top were without fear while we on the ground were relieved that they were wearing safety helmets. An aperitif at the village hall was followed by lunch with the troupe and an elderly lady who turned up a day late for the OAPs do!
Finished off the day with the last two episodes of “Killing”. Sarah found the murderer but will she ever find love?

Saturday 17 December 2011

OAPs Everywhere

Yes, today was the highlight of our social calendar…… the OAPs lunch. Jokes aside, we ate extremely well, danced and chatted the afternoon away. Christian came home to sleep off the excitement while I went with Geneviève, a neighbour to a concert given by the Montpellier Symphony Orchestra which included Fingal’s Cave. All very cool; the conductor appeared in tails and a black tee-shirt and the fluidity of his style was a joy to watch. What’s more it was a freebie and much more interesting than having a snooze.

Friday 16 December 2011

Which Way is Cheshire?

The last day of Spanish until the New Year; I’ll no doubt forget the little I’ve learnt in between times! Went to the laughing cat for lunch which has relatively recently changed hands and were well pleased with the menu of the day for 14€. Stylish and tasty. Particularly liked the cherry tomato covered like a toffee apple which was served as a canapé.

Thursday 15 December 2011

All that Jazz

There was no let up today. An extraordinary General Meeting of the Association to elect new members to the Committee. Two have left and there’s one replacement but what do you know, she would be ready to take on the secretarial work; Now that’s what I call a result!

Lunch out with Jean and those who were involved with a conference on Maths, Arab Science and Recent Politics. Then we looked in at the clinic to see Yvon. This evening there was an aperitif chez Gaby and Robert before going to eat some tapas and hear some jazz in a local wine bar. Someone from the village was playing so there were several familiar faces in the audience.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Afternoon Tea, Two Apéritifs and Supper

As we’d been invited to the Christmas aperitif for the employees of the “Communauté des Communes” which was just opposite where Philippe’s Mum lives, it was the ideal opportunity to have a cuppa with her. There were chocolates on offer too and despite my disapproving looks she encouraged Christian to help himself, which of course he did. We weren’t able to linger long at the first aperitif as there was the same thing in the village for the council workers here. Not only do all their children get a present from Santa but so do they, the retired employees and the councilors too.

We finished the evening off chez Laurent and Samara with wine and fois gras. How many more days do we have to keep this up for, I ask myself?