Sunday 9 June 2013

Aching Feet

Went out to one of the nearby cafés in the Macarena area for breakfast before going in search of a big open air market. Weather was warm and the road long. Unfortunately as there was a "fun run" on, there were neither buses or taxis to be had. Christian did very well and it was such a relief to see him going farther than for a very long time. By the time we finally found the market which turned out to be a flea market, neither he or Juste were interested in looking around but Joséphine and I did and bought a couple of tops at rock bottom prices. Went into the city centre by taxi as thankfully they were once more available and had lunch not far from the cathedral in a proper restaurant as opposed to a tapas bar.
Our accommodation was less than a 10 minute walk from a huge boulevard surrounded by eating places so the hardest thing we had to do in the evening was to decide which one to choose. Perhaps for Christian it was the walk but he is doing so well and is not complaining.
Well, not out loud anyway!

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