Wednesday 12 June 2013

These Shoes Were Made For Walking

Decided on a lazy day starting with a lie in. Juste and Joséphine, being more energetic went off on their own . When we were eventually organised we took the bus in town and we were about the youngest and fitest on it! From the Plaza de San Francisco, where we took a few photos,
we found found the main shopping area where we bought shoes. I finally found some MBTs that Maureen had told me about a few years ago; all I have to do now is learn how to walk in them. I will say however, they make you more erect and give  your calf muscles a work out.
Had lunch in a pretty non-descript place so were pleased to go back to "Copas contra Tapas"in the evening  where we sat out and enjoyed better and more original tapas than the usual fare.

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