Friday 21 June 2013

Singing in the Rain

Today was our last day of Spanish and after an hour of irregular verbs, we joined the other group for apéritifs. Cava and lots of nice nibbles.
Michel called in at midday and as I wasn't hungry, he had my share of lunch.
For most of the day, what ever else we were doing we were keeping an eye on the weather as being the 21st, it was national music day and there plans for music of all kinds out in the square. The sun came and went, the rain came and went and finally settled in at about 6pm.
David, Laura, Jean-Jacques, Robert, Martine, John and Jenny came for an apéritif  which I'd had instructions not go over the top with, before we ventured out with our umbrellas to see what was happening outside. The two restaurants did their best to feed folk under cover and
Thérèse who'd invited herself to join our table was waiting for us.The singers and musicians found shelter too so the show went on until about midnight.
While we were at the restaurant Barbara brought over a woman whom I'd known at work. Amazingly she's had a holiday home in the village but we'd never bumped into each other! Even funnier, when I introduced her to Laura, they found that they had a friend in common, even though they live in different parts of Scotland! Small world, eh?
Finished off the evening in the bar and were home and in bed just after 2am.

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