Saturday 8 June 2013

Bags Packed and Off

Heavy rain for most of the morning so there were no regrets about packing rather than going to the market. Had quite a few things to get done for the association az well and it reminded of work days when I'd be trying to clear up stuff until the last. At least these days with computers there's no need to do stuff at the airport and post it back.
By the time we went to pick up Juste and Joséphine, the rain was off. Our drive to Barcelona went without out a itch but the flight was delayed by an hour.
Arived at our appartement by about 9.30pm, dumped our bags and went out to find some food. We had our first of many tapas and Christian had his first walk of any distance.
Going to bed was interesting as you can imagine from the photo. It was really more suited to younger folk but what the heck, it gave us a few laughs, I didn't roll over the side and Christian didn't break his neck when he had to get up in the night!

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