Friday 28 June 2013

Tapas Again

This evening was the association's al fresco "soirée tapas", the last big event that I'll need to work my socks off for. Prepared the venue in the morning and did some admin then was whisked off to the bar for an apéritif by Christian. It was so pleasant on the terrace that we stayed there for an omelette and even had some entertainment thrown in. This photo is of the underground refuse container in the process of being emptied.
The evening went well though making sure that everyone else was ok and wine bottles relenished, I didn't really get to sample many of the goodies and if I sat down for 5 minutes that's all. Collective "ahhhhhh, shame"  is called for here.
There must have been nearly a hundred people there and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and just to think, I'll be able to sit on my bum and not stop to clear up at the next one in February.
Once we'd cleared up, Jean and Françoise came back to ours for a nightcap out on the terrace and so ended another day in our corner of France.

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