Thursday 27 June 2013


24th we made a long overdue visit to Sylvie's hairdressing salon this afternoon after which we dropped in on Juste and Joséphine for a quick cuppa and were introduced to their new "mower". The two little females that you saw on an earlier post (24.8.12)  had  long since been  given away as they were more trouble than they were worth.This fella seems destined to stay.
25th While Christian was at the Mairie, I gave Michel a hand at the Municipal Libray which still has all the books in cartons after being moved from elsewhere. My job was straightforward enough; all I had to do was put the English language novels into alphabetical order but (there's always a but, isn't there?) they hadn't been packed systematically and then once I'd finished, two other cartons were found necessitating a reshuffle.
In recompense Michel invited me and of course, Christian for an apéritif which became a pot luck lunch of pasta. Very tasty.
In the evening Christian had a Council Meeting where the controversial (well, for a few vociferous opponents of the Mayor) new Urban Plan was to be voted upon. Unlike, Britain, the public are not allowed to speak during the seance, just glower and mutter and then go to court to oppose it.
26th Just as Christian was starting on his lunch of wild rabbit in red wine with prunes, he received a call from the bar inviting him to join the Mayor, Jean-Jacques and a few others for  seafood. As I don't like mussels and oysters I waved him off and put his meal in the fridge for another day.
In the evening, it was my turn to meet up with the women of what we have now named "Apérobio" (said with an exaggerated Italian accent) at the local restaurant. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? All we need is Moltabano to wait on
table! As usual we laughed a lot and were pretty loud. As usual, we apologised to other diners who seemed amused bt the free entertainment. Michel passed by while we were tucking into desserts at much the same time as Terry came to collect Anne so we called Christian to join us. Michel invited us back to his place for pancakes and some music. He played electric guitar and sang as did Lone under the starlit skies.
27th Feeling tired but there was no chance of a lie-in. Christian had to update the electronic public information panel and I had a committee meeting. Skivved off from the language exchange to go to the fruit and veg market in Figueres. After a couple of beers in a pavement café, Michel took us of to "Wok You" for an all you can eat for 10€ buffet. Seating for 311 people, grossly overweight people with plates piled high and metal trolleys being pushed around to clear plates and food waste. It was ghastly, noisy and the food was mediocre although if you're a fish eater you would have fared better. Chinese food was certainly not the main event.
Jean-Jacques came round for something to eat. Couldn't stop yawning but sod's law, when I went to bed it took hours to get to sleep.

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