Saturday 29 June 2013

Yet More Tapas

A pretty busy day starting at 8.30am delivering the association's newsletter before meeting up with Maggie to unload and put away all the "stuff" from last night. The left over wine and fruit juice came back here ready for the next event on the 16th and then that will be the end of our house being used as a storage depot.
The weather was lovely and sunny so we had the roof of the car down when we went to pick up Juste and Joséphine to go to another village for a vernissage. with a lot of people milling around it wasn't possible to get a decent photo so i settled on this one outside the Mairie where the vernissage was held. It's really pretty, isn't it. Had lunch at the camping down the road on the way home and then while Christian snoozed, I caught up with the blog.
Finished off the day at the "Soirée Rosé" at the restaurant and of course, we both wore something pink for the occasion. There were 8 of us at the table, Juste and Joséphine, Robert, Lone, Jesper and Nina, our Danish friends. Along with rosé by the glass(?) or bottle there were tapas and music. Have to admit that I wasn't too keen to hear someone singing Johnny Halliday songs, but have to admit that the singer was good. What was quite strange was trying to sing along to "Black is Black" and "San Fransisco" in English when everyone else was singing in French and the words weren't necssarily a direct translation either. I didn't even know that Johnny had covered them but heck, who cares?

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