Saturday 22 June 2013

Ever - Present Mairie

Would you believe it? The day dawned warm and sunny but there was no market today as we went to watch the nursery and primary schools sports day, all part of Christian's civic obligations. The faces of the little ones when they received their models was a real picture and worth having put ourselves out for. It's a shame I can't share the photos that I took of them so here's a view of the mountains behind the sports ground. Had lunch at home; now there's a surprise! Then, at 5pm there was an open air  concert given by a brass and wind band. It was hot and we both caught the sun. After the concert, we joined the musicians over an apéritif. I was all set for bread and cheese but Christian wanted an omlette and chips at the bar. His wish being my command, that's what we did except I passed on the chips. Unexpectedly one of the other members of the Council and his partner had just installed themselves on the terrace and we were invited to join them. Even more unexpectedly, they treated us!

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