Thursday 13 June 2013

Rome from Rome!

No lie-in this morning as we were up and out for breakfast in time to get a taxi to take us out to Italica for when it opened at 9.30am. The forecast was for tempuratures of 38°+ and Joséphine wanted to get back for the market in Macarena, so an early start it was.
Jean and Françoise told us about this ancient Roman town founded in 206 B.C. by Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus. The amphitheatre which could hold 25,000 spectators was particulary impressive but after the Villa Casale in Sicily last year, the mosaics, less so.
By the time we'd made it back, the sun was beating down. Christian and Juste retreated to a bar for a beer and I trailed after Joséphine who was on a mission to find a flamenco dress. Although there were sevaeral to be had, they were either the wrong size, too expensive, the wrong colour or too old fashioned. So, Andy and Maureen, when you read this, please note that I'm not the only one who is difficult to please!
We had lunch in "La Gorda te da de Comer", a modern restaurant on our walk back home and it was gooooood.
Once again, having eaten well at lunch time, there wasn't much enthusiasm to eat more than a couple of tapas in the evening and of course there was still the luggage to pack for our departure tomorrow.

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