Sunday 26 January 2014

Not a Haggis in Sight

Had a lazy start in preparation for the copious lunch organised by one of the old soldiers' associations that was in store for us and about 120 other folk in the village hall. Canapés in abundance, choucroute, cheese, dessert, wine, digéstif, coffee and as if that wasn't enough, two types of galette.
Left at about 5pm and stopped in at Jean-Jacques to try and remove a splinter that he has in his foot. No success though as it was too deeply embedded.
Finally arrived home at 19h30.unable to eat another thing so settled down to watch the French version of "Young Morse".
17° Sunny with blue skies
News: France beat Denmark in the European handball finals and Hollande's ending of his relationsip with his partner who left yesterday for a fundraising visit to India still making the headlines.
More seriously, in Uk there are reports that safe passage enabling women and children  to leave the Syrian town of Homs has been negotiated in Geneva.
Appropriately enough, it being Burn's Day, we met up with Madeline and Bill who was staying with her for the weekend, after the market for lunch.
15° The threatened rain didn't arrive, cloud and sunny spells

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