Friday 3 January 2014

Wild Rovers?

All the time that we were in Paris Christian slept in until 9am or after, this morning, despite a late night he was in the kitchen preparing the porridge before 8am and at the Mairie just after 9am. Continuing in the Holiday spirit we went to the bar for an apéritif to catch up with the news and then to the restaurant for lunch. On the way home, we were waylaid by Sylvie and invited up to Jacques for more coffee and dessert. as it would have been too rude and not in the spirit of the season, we allowed ourselves to sample the goodies on offer. Patrick and Lizzie arrived a little later for a musical rehersal and we sowed the seeds of a soirée St Patrick. So, now al it remains for us to do is look out some Dubliners and Fureys records and draw up a list for them to perform. Never a dull moment, eh? It's not just in Paris that there is culture to be found.

Weather: Cloud and sunny spells 16°
News: Divorce where both parties are in agreement, no longer needs to be heard in front of a judge in France.
Blizzards on the East Coast of the States brings life to a halt.

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