Thursday 23 January 2014

Life's Ups and Downs

This morning was no different from any other Thursday morning and this afternoon we went to a funeral at the crematorium. If you've been reading posts since the beginning of the year, you'll know that I went to see Geoff on the 6th Jan. Oh dear! How fragile is our hold on life.
13° but feeling cooler in the wind, sunny skies

Following on from yesterday, we decided that if we were together, on the hour, we'd take time for a hug, whatever we're doing. Actually it's fun and really does lift the spirits.
We'd just finished lunch when Michel phoned to invite us for coffee in about an hour's time. He and his guests hadn't yet had dessert when we arrived to find Carmen and Daniel, his cousin from Amiens there.  There was no refusing a share of pud and a glass of champagne. I tried half- heartedly but frankly, why would we really want to?
Nick came around this afternoon to help sort out a few tekkie  problems and Christian went to put the car through its M.O.T and it passed. Then for the 3rd evening in a row, there was another aperitif; this time with Michel and Daniel and yet again, I racked my brain and managed to ring the changes foodwise.
And yes, we managed to keep up our belated New Year resolution.
12° rain in the afternoon and evening

Today is International Hugging Day and apparently hugging is good for our health, especially if it comes from a partner. 7 minutes a day is all it takes. Does anyone remember the popular series of little books about the merits of hugging featuring polar bears?
Our new matress was  delivered this morning, so that's a good omen, isn't it?
Jean -  Jacques came back with Christian after their meeting at the Mairie to eat with us and I even managed to russle up something different from last night.
13° Chilly start, sun and blue skies
News: Violent demonstrations in Kiev against the Governement's  policy of strengthing links with Russia rather than Europe.

The sun's back and when Christin came back from the Mairie, we wandered over to the bar for a
coffee. The day was uneventful but in the evening Jean-Jacques who had just arrived home from the States stopped by bearing gifts. He stayed for an apéritif, some soup and cheese and related his adventures in the "home of the free".
12° Sunny spells

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