Saturday 18 January 2014

More Daily Doings

Finally made it to bed last night sometime after 2.30am. Can't do really late nights any more so a trip to the market was a no go. did absolutely nothing of note.
Weather: 14° Bright enough start with heavy rain in the afternoon.
News: The last Pope defrocked 400 priests in two years. No comment, I'd be here all day.
PS. Father Brown wasn't one of them!

Deprived of lunch out yesterday, Christian was game for eating at the bar. You'll know by now that the food isn't in the same league as the restaurant but as they say "use it or lose it". In the evening We went to Maurice and Lucienne's as they were hosting a neighbourhood meeting for people to meet André and ask questions. An apéritif followed. On the way home we ran across Jacques and his son Pierre who's here for the weekend and were hijacked to the bar. rounded off the evening with Pierre rustling up some scramled eggs and chorizo to the sounds of jazz and salsa music. You can share Pierre's favourite song by clicking on this link. La Flaca can be translated as the skinny one. He sang it to me ...... tongue in cheek, no doubt!
13° Sunny spells with a cold evening wind

Oh woe is me! The restaurant being closed is throwing us out of kilter so home we just went for lunch after the language exchange. Giggled at a couple of épisodes of "Father Brown" in the afternoon over tea and macarons; not the almond biscuits that we all know but those lovely coloured delicacies that the French do so well. Click on you'll get an image and the recipe as well.
Anecdote: At the language exchange, we leant why "x" symbolises a kiss. When people couldn't write, deals were sealed with a kiss. Later a "x" replaced the kiss on documents. Interestingly, the French have no idea why we put a row of xxxx at the end of correspondence. Any one remember Brian Hyland's "Sealed with a Kiss"? A couple of us tried to sing it but the rest of the group weren't too impressed! Click the link if your curiosity is aroused and you've no idea what I'm talking about
Weather: 13° Sunny spells
News: Britain has the highest rate of gout in Europe. It's not just port that's implicated but other fortified wines and beer.

Went out in search of a new matress, well, two in fact and managed to strike a deal. Even so, we were into 1,400 euros. Now there's just a new duvet and some sheets and we're set.
The evening was rather more fun with a get - together at Jean and Françoise's. Juste and Joséphine, Thérèse and Joan were there too.
Weather: 12° Cloudy

Christian went off to the Mairie for a short while before we treated ourselves to a day out in
Figueres. I really wanted to find some trousers but I ended up buying a black trilby and a load of veg. Christian bought a matching hat so the village mafioso had better watch out. Had a late lunch in Roses overlooking the marina. Came back in time to see the cardiologist as Christian's latest blood test showed a thyroid deficiency and seemingly one of his tablets causes this. Luckily, he hadn't followed his GP's advice to stop it as he really needs it . Upshot of the visit is that there's to be another blood test to make sure that it wasn't a blip. Hey ho.
Weather: 14.5° and warm sunshine in Spain which was better than th 11.5° and showers here.

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