Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy 2014!

There was no time to linger long this morning as we were booked to go and see the Freida Khalo and Diego Rivera exhibition at the Orangerie near the Louvre.  Freida, has been the mai selling point of the expo but there were more of Rivera’s work than of hers. Nothing can compare to his murals in Mexico City which I saw back in 1982. Still it was all very interesting and we were glad to have seen the film “Freida” which prepared us for the agony of many of her paintings. There were also colourful paintings of herself in better health and of Mexican women to give some relief. To our surprise, the permanent collection was also interesting with a number of works by Renoir, Cézanne, Picasso, Derain, Soutine and other others.   From here we went back to where we were on Friday night in the hope of getting into “Le Chartier” but the queue was too long so we made do with an Italian restaurant on the opposite side of the road. Looking at the website, it was a real shame that we didn't persevere Ah well, next time.

Cloudy 10°

Entry restrictions on Bulgarians and Romanians entering most EU countries have expired.
Brittany and West UK continue to be hit by floods and high winds

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