Friday 31 January 2014

Horses for Courses

The last couple of days have been mild, 13° with sunny spells. Today started the same though it was 3° at daybreak and there was heavy rain tonight. This evening we were invited to André and Nany's for a meal along with Henri and Michelle, essentially to book their flights to Scotland later this year.

There was a good layer of snow much lower down on the mountains than yesterday when we awoke. For one reason or another, there was only Terrywho went to the bar after the language exchange though we were joined by Michel on his way home from the Mairie. As Christian was at a birthday do, Michel invited me for lunch at his place.
In the afternoon, Christian went off for a check up with the cardiologist while I entertained Nicole to tea.
Finally, there was a campaign meeting in the evening for Christian which gave me peace and quiet to do my Spanish homework. Had just about finished when Christian arrived home with Jean-Jacques for a bite to eat.
6° in the morning, 12° in the afternoon, sun

Thankfully, Christian had a better morning than I did getting fliers sorted for André's campaign team.
For my part, my Spanish session was difficult and I felt well out of my depth. Relative pronouns are not my strong point in French, so making the leap to Spanish was a real headache.
To cheer me up, Christian took me out for lunch in a restaurant on a cat theme. This is the view from the road beside it. After a trip to Lidl, which is right next door to the restaurant,  we  were quiet for the rst of the day. By the way, the price of the veg was eye-watering low.

Start of the Year of the Horse. Apparently we can expect a fast moving year where negotiation and middle ground stratégies won't be to the forefront. If you're sure of your projects get going on them, time won't wait for you. Not easy for us oxen! 
11° Sun with cloud later

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