Monday 6 January 2014

Funeral, Friends and Food

There was a funeral to go to at 10h30 this morning, the mother of a friend. The church was freezing cold but at least it wasn't a requiem mass which with communion etc would have taken much longer. After that Christian wrent off to try and get an appointment with his cardiologist who's been off sick and I went to visit Geoff who's undergoing chemo. He was in good spirits but the cardiologist is still off sick. While Christian was waiting for me he went for a coffee and bumped into Henri who invited us for an apéro.
We saw him and Michelle again in the evening at the association's get-together for the Président's New Year wishes, galettes de rois and cider or red wine. Poor Christian had his surgery with Michel to keep him company and needless to say, no clients.
To finish off the evening, Henri and Michelle came back to ours where we cracked open a bottle  of champagne to toast 2014 before coming back to earth with soup, bread  and cheese. As a dessert I made up a recipe for a chocolate fridge cake mixing together cereal, raisins and mixed peel soaked in rum, chocolate, mincemeat and golden syrup. Gulp ..... a seismic number of calories!
Weather: 16° Blue skies, sun and light cloud
News: David Cameron's hairdresser receives MBE!
Stop Press: There are problems with the site and I can't insert any images. Apparently, I'm not the only one but that's little comfort. In the meantime, I hope it won't be too dull. Sorry.

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