Friday 7 March 2014

Angel or Demon?

Before being able to let our hair down at Christian's birthday bash there was a funeral to attend at the crematorium in Perpignan. Elizabeth had been a gardener so there were little posies for people to keep or put on the coffin and there were little bags of seeds for people to plant in her memory.
Then it was back home to get ready for Aimée and Jean-Louis, Marie-Christine and Pierre who were staying overnight as it would be too far for them to go home at the end of the evening.
There were about 100 of us to make merry and wish him well and there were about 20 or so apologies. Christian was spoilt rotten with lots of presents (surprisingly of the liquid kind!) and 480€ in the "pot". He thinks that we'll probably use it to take the train to Madrid for a weekend at some point.
Jean and Françoise's slide show was a great hit and brought a load of laughs. The theme was "Angel or Demon?" and a vote was taken at the end to decide.  He was given a devil's tail, horns and trident so no prizes for guessing which way it went. Funnily enough, Pierre and Marie-Christine gave him a magnum of red wine which was called "ni ange, ni demon"; the box which it came in has been converted into a behaviour barometer to hang in the kitchen! Needless to say, the six of us stayed up talking until the early hours once we arrived home but hey we oldies need to make the most of life, do we not?
 What do you think? Angel  or Demon????
18°, sunny

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