Saturday 22 March 2014

Countdown to the Count

Felt a bit brighter so went to the market and had coffee at the bar with Chantal and Gaby then an apéritif (though not for me) chez Michèle and Henri. From here we all came over our way for a copious lunch up in the hills.
It was great not to have to read  and get angry at yet another opposition tract. This time tomorrow it will all be over.
14°, cloud with rain later in the afternoon

Woke up to find that my ear was red and very swollen (think rugby player). Luckily I managed to get an appointment with the GP in the morning. She's baffled by it and wants me to go back when things are back to normal so she can see into the ear and investigate further.. More medication to take; this time antibiotics and something to protect the intestinal flora. Decided against going to André's last public meeting of the campaign in the village and went to bed instead. At midnight, all campaigning has to finish by law. Thank goodness for that, it's been hard and stressful.

 Did the usual Thursday stuff though we didn't eat at the restaurant as we were going to eat up in the mountains after André's public meeting. What an experience! There was a lot of aggressive shouting which almost led to fisticuffs between two blokes who have a private quarrel going. Dinner was an altogether calmer affair though I could feel that I was in for a bout of the ear infection that flares up from time to time. Add that to my sore back and I was glad to get home.
17° sun

Took myself off to the GP this morning as my back is giving me quite a bit of trouble and came away with a prescription for anti-inflamatories and something to protect my stomache from their side effects. This evening there was a "cérémonie patriotic" to mark the end of the hostilities in Algeria in 1962, a period of French history that was pretty inglorious. As usual there was an apéritif after the wreath laying and speeches then it was on to Jean-Jacques' with André and Nany. Helène and Gérard, who are visiting had been left in charge of cooking the main course while Jean-Jacques was doing his civic duty. Nany made a salmon and leek tart for starters and I made Delia's coffee cake (yet again) for dessert. Well, it's grown up and never fails to please. Jean - Jacques made the coffee. I must ask him how he managed to get everyone else to do the work!
19°, sun

Back not getting any better and there's another larger than life (in this case not just literally) figure who's departed from this earth. Clarissa Dickinson Wright, she of the "two fat ladies", the one in the sidecar, has died in Edinburgh aged 66. She famously said "I'd rather eat cream cakes than take prozac!" I certainly wouldn't disagree with that.
22°, sunny

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