Thursday 27 March 2014

Reaching Saturation Point

The usual language exchange and drink in the bar afterwards. This time, there was no sign of the opposition. Decided to eat at home again rather than going to the restaurant as there was left-over kedgeree to finish up. This evening Jean-Jacques came back with Christian after their meeting for a bite to eat though none of us tucked in as we might have done. It's all getting too much and there will be no let up tomorrow
15° though feeling cooler. Blue skies and sun, cloudy later

My back is feeling a bit better; just as well as the anti-inflamatories are finished. My ear problem is a lot better too. This eveing we were invited to Nany and André's for something to eat along with Henri and Michèle. She gave us "tartiflette", a tasty cheese and potato dish from the Alps. It was excellent but if you have a look at the recipe, you'll see that it's unlikely to ever feature in the Weight Watchers Cookbook!
13°, Cloudy
A woman in the States has just been released after 30 years of false imprisonment!! Land of the Free?

Once again we met up with Jean-Jacques and Michel, this time chez Jean and Françoise's who had invited us to eat lentils and sausage. By now, you'll know that this is Christian's favoutite dish. From theirs we did some supermarket shopping, well, we have to from time to time.
15° but feeling cooler in the wind. Sun early on, clouding over with rain later

After such a late night we had a late start this morning. Christian did go to the Mairie however where he met Michel who invited us along with Jean-Jacques to have coffee and a slice of  ; no ordinary bun but a speciality from the North of France. What's more, it was warm enough to sit outside on his terrace while we talked of the election and village politics.
15°,  Sun and a little high cloud

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