Friday 28 March 2014

Saga Trip

I was up and about and at the bus stop for 8.30am ready to join a trip to Girona organised by another association in the village. My first with them. There were 47 of us and I reckon that I was more or less the youngest but there again, I could be kidding myself. One or two gave the visit to the Jewish quarter a miss  but the rest were game. I didn't manage to take many photos as I ended up with a 90 year old on one arm and my bag and her bag on the other! The little narrow streets and interesting boutiques made me think that we should do an overnight at sometime just to soak up the atmosphere ....... just the two of us.
From here we drove to the exterior of Oix, a village in the Garrotxa region for lunch. Even though we were well served, several complained that there weren't any chips! Then it was onto Besalu for a tour of the town on the little tourist train (how sad is that!), a visit to the church which was open for once, a visit to a chacuterie shop for a tasting, then a stroll back to the bus and home. Quite an experience but I'm conscious that it's important for people on their own without transport to have the chance to get out of the village.
So while I was on a bus trip with a group of "wrinklies", Christian and Jean-Jeacques were off in the convertable  to La Plaça in Garriguella for a more sophisticated lunch. Such is life!
With a bit of bad management we'd booked for the restaurant's latest quiz which was on music the same day. Terry and Anne made up a team with us but none of us covered ourselves in glory, coming somewhere in the middle. Sadly, neither Christian or I could do justice to the great tapas that were on offer. We really need to avoid two restaurants on the same day. We'll just have to make some sensible choices.
18° Sun

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