Saturday 15 March 2014

Eating Out Again and Again

Whizzed through the market and went to the café for a glass of wine in the sun then came back to the village for lunch at the bar.
21°, sun and blue skies

Tony Benn has died which naturally brought back loads of memories of demonstrations and protests in Glasgow back in the 70s and 80s. Now there was a man who could hold a crowd. His speeches were never boring.  
“The House of Lords is the British Outer Mongolia for retired politicians.”  
“If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people.” 
are just two of the comments from this Guardian article.
Back in the village we were invited to lunch at Michel's along with Nany and André.
20°, sunny 

Internet still off and I'm starting to get the shakes. The opposition were at the bar having a drink when we arrived for our after language exchange apéritif and Christian remarked how the elections were proving good for business! They were inside and we stayed outside and made the most of the sun. As we were booked at the bar this evening with the rest of the list, we went home for a light lunch.
Christian is responsible for getting all the tracts printed and our cave has become the collection point for those who are doing the distribution so we were up and down the stairs enough times to work off a few calories. Put them back on again, however, with the excellent meal that we had this evening!
17°, sunny

 Grrrhhhh! The internet is off ! Grrrhhh, the opposition tracts are pushing hard at the limits of "fair play" so it was with interest that I read a recent Fidelma Cook article in "The Herald Scotland" that Liz had flagged up.    While I went for an "apérobio" with les anglaises, Christian was joined by Henri for an apéritif at ours this evening thus making a welcome break from the annoying stuff.
16°, sun

Had a glass of wine at the bar this lunch time on the terrace and discussed the forthcoming St Pat's night with the patronne. Being Tuesday, I made up a platter of nibbles for after the council meeting in anticipation of Jean-Jacques, Michel and maybe André coming round but they all had something else on. Best laid plans and all that.
18°, dull

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