Thursday 6 March 2014

Living with a Septuagenarian!

Started the day with a copious buffet breakfast and what a surprise, Miguel gave Christian a bottle of the hotel's wine as a birthday gift. We must go back for a weekend, it was a real pleasure being there.
Wended our way slowly back and made for Can Xiquet for lunch  ( and a bit of luxury.
It was back to earth this evening for Christian  who  a campaign meeting. Ah well, it was short and very sweet so can't complain.
16°, sunny

A morning at the Mairie and lunch at home before setting off to Begur for an overnight stay. Delivered one or to tracts en route but by the time we crossed the border, the village and politics were far behind us. Arrived in bright sunshine so the Costa Brava was at it's best. The hotel, an old stone farmhouse that I'd found on the internet was just super. ( )  It had lots of character and Miguel, its owner even more so.  Our room had a small terrace at the front with lovely views so while Christian took a wee nap, I took some sun. We then went into the town for a walk around and a cuppa. Begur is full of interesting nooks and cranies, narrow streets and imposing stone buildings many of which were built by returning colonialists who had made their fortunes in Cuba. ( ) By this time, the sun was fast disappearing and the evening was becoming cool so it was back to the hotel for the bottle of bubbly that we'd brought with us. Dinner was very good and Miguel was on form passing through the dining room several times to chat with guests. We were the last to leave and he kindly offered Christian a second brandy to celebrate his birthday so needless to say we slept well in our nice, big, comfortable bed.
Cloudy start with wind and rain. 18°, blue skies and sun later.

Went off to Jean and Françoise's with Linde to have a last look at the slide show that they're putting together for Christian's birthday. Of course, he knows nothing about it. This evening after his regular council meeting, Christian opened a few bottles of champagne to celebrate his 70th so over I went to join in. Never could let a glass of bubbly pass me by. Jean-Jacques came back home with us for soup, bread and cheese. Being the first Tuesday of the month, there was a guitar session in the bar so we toddled over for a short time to find the opposition there in full force. Ah, but if they lose, will they continue to support village events? Don't think so as only one of them did before.
13°, winds of 100km/h

Christian's last ever surgery in the mountains and as usual, there weren't any clients. I stayed home.
14°, heavy clouds and wind

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