Sunday 23 March 2014

Judgement Day

Christian spent all day at the polling station in the mountains while I attacked a mountain of ironing at home. Got a welcome break at lunch time though as I was invited to Annie's for lunch along with José, Violette and some one called Michel. (by the way, Annie and Violette are identical twins, even their voices are the same).  Roast pork, chips, cheese and apple tart were on the menu. Sadly, I'm still off the wine. Afterwards we went over to the Mairie to vote. I took one of the bulletins into the booth and fortunately put my glasses on ... I'd only picked up the wrong one! (Here you don't put a cross by the name and your bulletin goes into an envelope.
André arrived in front with 20 of the 23 seats available. The system here is that you have to vote for the entire list which is a change from last time when you could cross people off the list , add others from the other list or people that weren't even standing!
Registered Voters: 2251
Voters : 1524 ( 67.7%)
Void 177 (these included torn papers, crossings out, comments, a dirty kleenex and a 20€ note for the primary school)
Abstention : 32.3%
From the Mairie we went up to the village hall for a celebratory drink and a few nibbles. I couldn't resist a glass of fizz. Does anyone know why you shouldn't drink with antibiotics? Feeling tired, I left before Christian and at 9.30pm I was just thinking about heading to bed when he arrived with a couple of others for a omlette. Finally ended up with 15 of us continuing the evening with the diehards Christophe and Laurent leaving at 3am.
12° sun, clouding over later with a cool breeze
The National Front have won a few Mairies outright and came in front in Perpignan; thankfully there's a second ballot.

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