Saturday 24 October 2015

À Table!

Market in the morning where we all met up with Michèle and Henri for an apéro. Lunch at the restaurant in the village (2nd time his week for me) followed by a coffee at the bar. Quiet afternoon while Christophe went back to the bar to watch the rugby. Don't remember who was playing; so what? who cares? Valérie and I joined him and Jacques for an apéro before a "fridge supper" at home.
19°, sun then cloud

The family went off to Limoux to see Marie and Pierre who's been in hospital.
Feeling brighter today. Maybe because it's warmer; maybe because I had two invites for lunch (Françoise and Philippe, Jacques and Yaneth) and an invite for a weekend in Marseilles, again with Philippe and Françoise. Didn't accept any of them.
Spent the afternoon preparing for tonight's apéritif dinatoire and the evening tucking in to it.
21°, sunshine

The family decided to go off to the Dali museum in Figueres which I decided to give a miss. Opted instead for a trip to the bar and lunch at the restaurant. Over the road to have my nails done in the afternoon and then dinner at home after watching a video of the kids in their end of term concert. One on drums, one on guitar and one lead singer. Despite being in the bosom of the family, I felt flat and tired but no doubt it'll pass.
20°, feeling colder in the wind

The family went off to Perpignan for the day and I entertained Anne C to coffee after lunch. She brought flowers and a lovely rose crystal which is said to have health giving properties. Had dinner at Danielle's along with Yaneth, the not so wee Lisa anymore and Jean-Jacques. Jacques was in Paris for a meeting. It was a good thing that the family didn't mind an absentee hostess
16°, cold wind and clearer skies

The annual "must do if you want to have a valid insurance" obligation to have the chimney swept was done today. Thankfully, the sweep had been and gone by the time that Christophe, Valérie and the two boys arrived. Went for an apéritif at the bar and then came home and had another one.
19° but feeling cooler with the Tramontane blowing, sunshine

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