Thursday 8 October 2015

Two more Restaurants

We were rather more energetic today. Started the morning with a coffee at the bar where we met up with loads of the language exchangers. the terrace was full. Michel came by and seeing a ready made audience, he went home for his guitar an set about entertaining us.
At 1pm we tore ourselves way to head off to Garriguella for lunch at "El Moli del Vent". 13€ all in and as usual, it was excellent. From here we made the short journey down to Llanca for a walk by the sea and coffee stop. All we needed this evening was a wee apéritif infront of the tv.
22°, sunshine

Ann and Noel are here so the blog is still on hold.That's what I said then to avoid unnecessary worry. It's now 16th November and I've just done the first week of October. I'm getting there.

What a good job my guests are happy to take things easy as today was a quiet day. Being Wednesday even the bar was closed so there was no coffee. Another lunch out, this time at the restaurant. Ann and I were well pleased with the menu though Noel found his à la carte main course pretty meagre. His one course cost more than our three. The rest of the day was spent idly.

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